Jess and Eric still awake in HOH. Room darkened. semi-snuggling. Jess invited him to stay. Not on opposite sides of the bed, but in the middle, facing each other
Lots revealed over the course of the night about their former boy/girlfriend.
Dick had a spin the teacup before he went to bed... giggling about where he is in the game.
Dani and Dick went up to the HOH before they went to bed/teacup. The four are calling themselves The LJC alliance... Little Julie Chen. Eric thinks that may not fly with BB so Dick suggested calling themselves the MFA (Mothereffers)
While they were there, Jameka came up to the HOH, knocked on the door, opened it, saw D&D and said she just wanted to say goodnight. After she closed the door the others said that was odd... and it's too back their meeting was discovered. Dick said to tell the others, if they ask, they were talking about the POV or something.
Eric was half up, leaning on one elbow with his other hand on the side of Jess' face, looking at her intently... then he lay down again (didn't get that kiss yet)
Earlier he was wondering when they'd have their first kiss... Jess said she'll lay a big one on him. Diary Room? Want America to be the first to see it ... maybe.
The first two cams are on the sweethearts, one on Dick and the final on Amber.
Awww.... 6:50 a.m. BBT - The Kiss
She started giggling and said it's about time ... and said he's a really good kisser.
7 a.m. BBT - The second kiss
They agreed that they both like kissing each other. Eric said he couldn't wait to day 59 (?)
Jess saying this is quite a day for Eric. Won his first POV and they kissed.
Eric saying let's face the facts. It wasn't graceful, stumbling and fumbling on his part but it'll be easier from now on LOL
Jess said it was really awkward before they kissed... the waiting.
Eric was nervous... wondering if he should have used mouthwash for the third time. Wondering if she didn't want to kiss him.
Now they're talking about the American Public and happy they kissed, others saying don't mess up your game....
They feel they're having a good week. That their parents are strong and shouldn't worry about their gameplay... they won HOH and POV...
And their off and running Bit of a breather with Jess saying "Uh oh...what have we started?" Eric says "This is bad." They both giggle. Eric saying he doesn't think he'll be going to sleep anytime soon LOL
8:54 a.m. BBT
They're finally settling in. Every once in awhile, Eric will say something (ADD lol) and Jess responds quickly.
Eric said if it wasn't for the show, he'd be a guy in New York, drinking and she'd be a girl in Kansas, drinking.
They both like to go out and party/drink. Not to the puking stage though. They can't wait until after the show so they can go out together. Jess thinks it'll be a blast.
Everyonen else is sleeping.
9:13 a.m. BBT
Still awake... movies... Mr. Deeds.. both loved it. Eric mentions 50 First Dates... okay.
Now silent again.
9:30 a.m. BBT
Jess just said they should have asked them what time it was and it went back to Trivia LOL
Cams back to Jess only, in bed. Eric out of bathroom, Jess asks if he heard the time... he said 9:30... she wonders if it's a new record (they forgot about Erica? LOL)
9:34 a.m. BBT
Night kisses.
Night Eric.
Morning Jess.
Jess saying she's not tired now. Eric says if she gets lonely she can scoot over there.
Making fun of their giggling and Dick smoking a cigarette and saying something about it.
Jess said she can start tanning in 30 minutes.
Trivia again
9:36 a.m. BBT
Sleep time
10:50 a.m. BBT
Dick got up, went to the privy, storage room to change batteries and back to bed.
11:18 a.m. BBT
All sleeping.
12:22 p.m. BBT
Still sleeping
1:01 P.M. BBT
3:10 P.M. BBT
Trivia is up
3:18 p.m. BBT
They're a bunch of slugs LOL Dick is the exception. He went swimming. Jess is still sleeping, curled up between Zach and Amber (who's reading the good book), Jameka, Eric and Daniele... who's stretched out at the other end of the couches.
3:22 p.m. BBT
Lockdown's over. Everyone is filtering in. Jam and Eric were still on the couch... Dick came over. He and Eric exchanged a few words then Eric went into the house.
Back to Jameka hitting the tether ball... before that she was making a verbal list of what she's going to do today.
Amber just arrived outside with some food. Jam said she's only doing liquids for now. She's going to work out... Shower, wash her hair, condition it and leave it on for awhile... just went back inside...saying she'll come out sit for a little bit.
Amber just announced to the air that she's depressed and miserable.
Eric is sleeping in a bed... his own I believe LOL
6:15PM BBT
Jess and Jameka in HOH talking. Jameka fishing for POV info whether Eric will use it or not...throwing her opinions out there to put up Dani.
6:45PM BBT
Jameka has something to tell her (Jess) but she can't remember...She is trying to blurt out everything and anything about ED/Dani to cause doubt. (she told Amber earlier that she would do what she could do to get dani on block and her saved).
7:10PM BBT
Zach, Jameka, Jess and Dani are making Tacos and Jameka mentions how they have all had a stomach ache the last 4 times after they ate them. She says she is going to drain the fat off. Kitchen conversations revolve around funny stories from when they were younger.
8:15PM BBT
Jess says "They told Eric & I last night that we HAD to go to sleep". Causes FOTH
8:30PM BBT
Amber told Jess she wants someone good to win and her, Jess and Jameka are the only good people in the house. Amber is trying hard to get Eric to use POV and Jess to put up Dick or Dani. Jess tells Amber that if there was a tie, she'd evict Zach over Amber.
Dick says, "Reeses Peanut Butter cups and Snickers bars! Where did those come from?" Someone says Jessica. She yells out that they can have them. Dick gets excited and says he'll have one even though he's full fron dinner.
9:15PM BBT
Jess goes outside to sit with Dick. They are making small talk about Zach. Dick asks why is she out there sitting with him. She says she's trying to avoid everybody. Dick is asking what Zach has said to her. She says he hasn't bothered her today, but then she was sleeping most of the day. She tells Dick about the Amber convo. She said Eric said, "Oh God, they both want to talk to me." She said, "Good luck."
Dick said Zach seems pretty confident to her. Dick seems to be pushing for Zach to be the one to go.
9:45PM BBT
Amber has been talking to Eric for quite some time about the POV. Amber is repeating that if she gives her word, it's her word, not everybody is like that. She says loyalty and being honest is important in this game. Eric agrees.
Eric says he's trying not to make a 100% definitive decision on what he's going to do because every single time it's 1 a.m. on Wednesday and everybody says let's think about this here. The last thing he wants to do is guarantee anybody anything at this point. He wishes he felt differently but at the same time he needs to be up front with everybody.
Eric says you understand why you would be a threat to everybody at this point. Eric says you're up two nothing against any of us, let's face it. He says Dustin and Jen would cast their vote for Amber. That's an obvious threat. Eric says he's playing for second at this point.
10:15PM BBT
Eric says tomorrow it will be blatantly obvious they are with D&D or it will be blatantly obvious they are against D&D. He says which way will they be better off. Jess repeats that she's afraid of D&D getting HOH next week and putting her and Eric up. Eric says, "And you're not afraid of Amber putting us up?" Jess says, but are they really on our side? (D&D) Eric said they only need to be on our side one more week, that's all that matters. Eric says obviously Dani felt the exact same way last night, that's why they came to talk to us. He said he doesn't want to beat a dead horse by asking them, "How do we know, how do we know, because then it is sketchy." Jess says, "I know."
10:30PM BBT
Amber and Jameka talking outside. Amber says Eric's not going to use the veto. Jameka says she can't believe if he doesn't use it. Amber is worried now that he's going to go to D&D and tell them she was trying to throw them under the bus. Jameka says she's heard Dick & Dani say a couple of things indicating they want Zach out this week.
Zach says, "How does it feel to hold the power in your hands?" Eric says, "Terrible." Eric said when Dustin was HOH he came to all of them and said he really wants his nominations to stick so he asked seriously for his safety and decision making to play as hard as possible to show their loyalty to him as HOH so that he's not in the situation to have to make another enemy and they said absolutely and he stood there and watched as everybody did that for him while he stood there and took cash and prizes when he would have won the veto himself. He said they all see how that worked for him. Since that time he's told himself that without the person asking, it goes without saying that if he's in the veto he will play on behalf of the HOH's wishes.
Eric says his first and foremost concern was to win so that as HOH she's not in a position she doesn't want to be in. Zach says he understands. Zach said he was never in that position because nobody ever asked him to play hard for them.
Eric asks what's going on. Zach says he's not there to bag Amber, but there's stuff brewing around here and he doesn't know if someone has falsified who he is to Eric in general. Zach says there was a time when Eric asked him for his vote and that's when he and Eric began playing this game together. Zach says from that point he's had decent conversations with Eric about numbers, percentages, strategy.
Zach says he personally doesn't care what people say about him because he knows who he is. He gave Jess his word, he stuck to it, it didn't bother him one bit. He has this echo of Eric sitting there saying that maybe he has something with D&D but if that were the case he wouldn't have promised Jess his vote to vote Dick out. He said his word is good.
Zach rambling (can't keep up with it all).
He's explaining how he's always followed through with his word. When he promised his vote, he kept his word. Eric says, "Absolutely." Zach says he doesn't think he has to prove his honesty or loyalty. If he has to give his word to vote out whoever they want, he will do that. Zach says he understands why he's in the block, it makes perfect sense to him. It's because Jameka and the two of them (J&E) are friends. They don't want to piss off the fiery duo (D&D). Perfect chance for the veto to fall into the hands of someone who could take the risk of putting someone else up.
Zach says he doesn't think he has an alliance, he's on his own. Eric claims he doesn't have an alliance either, just a closeness with Jess.
Zach says Amber can probably offer him all sorts of things, Dani can probably offer all sorts of things, but with the numbers, since he's a stat guy, realistically when Dick says we need to have the power five that was totally idiotic. Do you want to go through a battlefield with no gun and a knife. It's going to be difficult to get to the final two with D&D in the game.
Zach says this is what he's willing to offer to him, he will stick by it, he will sign it in blood, 1) he would love to be taken off the block, he would love to see D or D go home, he doesn't care, one of the two because it is an unfair advantage. Two people in a six-person game controls who goes home next week, highly unfair, same with the jury.
Zach says if one of them were to go, he has Zach, Amber and Dick (or Dani), Zach says he will give his word he will make a one-week alliance with him that if he wins he won't put him up or backdoor him. He says all you would have to worry about is Dick or Dani, whoever he decides to keep.
Zach says he can provide things for Jess and the vote still stands for her but by offering the allegiance to keep her off the tie-breaking thing keeps the heat off of her. He thinks that trying to make the game a little more balanced for everyone who's here causes a huge opposition that all of them will have to fight through if given the chance to do that.
Eric says he has not made his decision yet and the way he goes about things it will probably come 10 minutes before they call him into the DR. He understands Zach's point of view, but it's not entirely relevant. He says he understand his perspective and they think alike in a lot of these things, he has a clear and concise understanding of what Zach is offering him.
He thinks the veto and the vote are two separate things. He will analyze them both. He says he has a one-week assurance that he is safe this week, beyond that there's a good chance he'll be a target every week. Zach says not for him next week, he'll give him his word.
If people are concerned about what he might be capable in this game, they should come after him (Eric). Obviously he is going to give respect to Jessica and discuss it with her but knowing her she will put the decision in his hands.
Eric says he believes there is a reason all seven of them are here, not like Amber who has a vision or kismet or whatever...35,00 are not here and seven of them are and he will not ever take anything away from them. He considers the seven of them armed and dangerous at this point.
Eric says things have unfolded differently than he expected, he thought decisions would be easy....FOTH
11:45PM BBT
Everyone is laughing and getting along..very animated. Eric and Jessica doing a little jig with their hands in the air. Back to normal quarters..once you get 3 quarters in you can make up a rule. Amber doesnt get it...They move to spin the beer can.
The spin the wine bottle game has been going on for the last 2 hours. New rules come out every round...the latest tasks if the bottle lands on them:
Jess: I miss the touch of Carol.
Zach: oink oink (when it's Jess's turn) The bottle never lies one when Amber speaks. Tip toe to Nicks picture when someone gets one in. First to say that eric has a huge C*ck.
Dick: Run and kiss Jen's picture when someone gets one it.
Dani: stand on the chair and do something but she refuses to do it.
Jameka: toss her pony tail and seductively say something to zack.
All HG: wave their hands and say How Sad when Amber says a catch phrase
Eric: Take off his shirt and pull on his nipples
Amber: each turn she has to say she did everything she could to turn Dustin straight.
2:30AM BBT
Potty break from Spin the Bottle/Quarters
2:45AM BBT
Game is over they are clapping and laughing and saying that next time they play with rules spelled out. Dick went outside to smoke, says to himself that's the most fun he's had in a long time. Jess and Eric going in the hot tub, Zach going to bed and Jam putting her feet in. Amber is in the kitchen eating.
4:30AM BBT
Up in HOH, Jam was talking about the game with Jess, but Eric came up and it's been general chit chat for quite awhile.
4:40AM BBT
Jam just left Eric and Jess in bed in HOH. Lights are out. Jess was sleeping. Eric woke her up and asked if everything was ok. He's asking if she wants to talk about the veto at all and Jess seems to not really want to talk about it. Jess is worried Jam is upset with her for falling asleep.
Back from Trivia. Eric and Jess are sleeping on 1-2 and the Donatos are talking outside on 3-4. If things go according to plan and they are in the final 4, Dani will be pissed if the HOH comp is one where you buzz in because everyone knows Eric is really good at that
5:20AM BBT
Dick and Dani now talk about the 1st Veto - They wonder why they made the competition so long for the first week. Daniele remarked that she hated doing that competition when she could care less about the veto.
5:35AM BBT
Daniele making fun of Amber. She remarks about Amber saying she doesn't think she could do this again if she was selected for All-Stars. Dick says they won't ask her to come back.
He tells Daniele she needs to really focus on Thursday. Trivia for a split second, then silence for what seemed like several minutes.
Daniele went to go mention something about the final four, then trivia. When we come back, Dick is explaining how important the POV is in the final four.
Now talking about how they get yelled at constantly by the BB people and can't wait to talk freely when they get out of the house. Several minutes of silence now...
Dani talks about hating to come in third or fourth place. She said if Jessica doesn't come in fourth, it'll be her. She says she would hate being in that jury house with all those people she hates.
Silence again....
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