All HGs are finally asleep
8:39 a.m. BBT
Everyone is sleeping... (as they should be! Late night for them... a lot of game playing... as in Truth or Dare, Zooma, Quarters, Spin the Wine Bottle. Funny happenings.
A surprising happening was Amber talking Jameka into going to the HOH and telling bold-faced lies, on her behalf. Jameka willingly went upstairs and she tells Jess that she’s telling this “without Amber’s permission,” that Amber told her Eric called Jess a f*ing whore. She begins to work the 'Dani is a bigger threat concept' and encourages Jess to see if Eric would use the veto to put her up instead. )
9:39 a.m. BBT
We have Trivia
(These are some of the things they had to do last night during the games...
Eric has to take off his shirt and rub his nipples and say: me so horny for Dick.
Jameka has to lift up her shirt and say: Carol's boobs are bigger than mine.
Zach has to oink whenever it's Jess' turn.
Dick has to prance over to Jen's picture and say: I miss you Jen and kiss it.
Earlier, Amber spun the bottle and asked it Who's leaving on Thursday and it said her three times in a row. So one of the new rules is that when Amber speaks, Zach has to say: The bottle never lies. You're going home on Thursday
When Amber returned from the DR Zach started saying it and Amber says: F you
Laughter erupted. Amber kept talking and Zach kept saying it.
Jameka changed the subject and made a new rule for Zach. He has to lift his shirt, rub his body and say: It's your loss
Another rule was that when Amber said one of her catch phrases, they all had to wave their hands in the air. She's said: How sad about five times in a short period of time and it was hilarious when everyone waved their hands.
Amber said: How sad, if I do leave, you guys will all be saying, The bottle never lies. They told her that'll be her goodbye message.)
9:52 a.m. BBT
BB woke them.
Two cams on Eric and Jess.
He say's she's not a morning person but he's coming in to bother her for five minutes and get's closer in the bed. They're laying, facing each other.
As far as I could see on the videos, Eric did have a late DR but he didn't try to kiss anyone last night. Guess they were all too wasted.
Jess sleepy... lifted her head and cracked her neck.. she's dozing.
I think Er's trying to find out what Jam said last night. Jess not forthcoming... dozing.
Eric saying he hasn't showered up there yet this week.
Eric said he wishes that everyone had left them alone last night after the drinking games. He wanted Jess time... not Dick and Jameka time.
Jess sits up and say's shower time, rubbing her face and eyes. Talking about never being nominated.. (using in part of her speech today?) And she's off to the bathroom... groaning looking into the mirror I suppose... Shower water started. Eric going downstairs to shower. Said he's not positive what he's going to say but he'll be back up after his that okay.... Jess says "NO" lol Eric heading downstairs.
9:57 a.m. BBT
Amber is up and changing batteries.
Jam is brushing (scrubing) her teeth...Eric said something about 'head' and she mmm mmm'd him.
Amber brushing her teeth.
Exciting stuff
Zach to privy... Amber 'good morning' through the foam. Privy being occupied currently, Zach waiting his turn. Amber hocked and spit into the sink.... rinsing her mouth.
Eric in shower. Amber placed a QTip in her mouth then in her ear.
Daniele in shower next to Eric.
9:59 a.m. BBT
jameka up in HOH, standing at doorway to bathroom.... thinking and watching Jess shower. (now that's weird!)
My mistake... she's standing in the bathroom doorway, looking out at the HOH room.... still weird! Is she guarding Jess? lol
10:12 a.m. BBT
Dick is up... few words in bathroom... out to kitchen.
Jameka making Jess' bed. Jess still in shower (avoiding Jam?)
Hairdryer... Dani...
Jess out of shower.... Jam up her butt already... working the Dani angle... saying something about not knowing what 'his intentions' are...
Amber lies being related as fact. Jam saying she didn't ask amb if she could tell her and Jess said you don't have to tell her.
Jess thinks that if it came down to Dick, Jess and Eric, she'd be the first to go... He doesn't want her there.
More b.s. as fact about Eric.
10:40 a.m. BBT
Jess kind of told Eric what Jam said that Amber said. (She protected Jam and turned it around on Amber)
Eric telling Jess his possible speech (es) He's po'd about the Amber/Jameka thing... tells Jess that she shouldn't be surprised about how he is leaning with his vote this week (keep Zach).
Jess telling Eric that she's glad they had their talk, J&E otherwise she would have been upset after talking with Jam this morning.
Eric and Jess hug. He said he's going to be crazy, it's only 10 a.m., he was going to steal a kiss since they wouldn't leave them alone last night.
Quick kiss on the lips with a note to BB that it occurred at 10 a.m. LOL
Eric upset still that Jess would question his loyalty to him... she reassures him. He said WHEN he get's HOH this week, his reign is going to be one of terror.
He's saying that this turn of events with Jam and Amb has unleashed the mean, going for it all, Eric.
Saying, he is telling Jess, although she's heard it a million times, that he is going to protect her no matter what. If it's final three and he wins HOH, he's taking her with him.
Zach, Amber and maybe Jameka, at this point, have questionable chances of winning the game. They may have the jury votes now, but not later.
Eric saying he's going to win HOH so they don't have to worry about D&D.
Jess asks what his victory dance will be when he wins HOH.... basic fist-pumping, turning over the set they won on.... saying he'll end up owing them money instead of him getting his stipend.
Eric excited because he gets to stay in the house alone prepping for the comp.
He thinks it's fun because no one really knows what his decision will be since he told everyone that he's not going to decide until it's time.
Jess said they'll be pumping her for the answer. She's going to say she doesn't know.
She tells Eric that they know he's not stupid and that he's already made a decision.
Jess is going casually to the ceremony... no shoes... Eric said slippers? Yes, she'll wear slippers.
Eric has lost his shoes... think Jam took them downstairs.
Bottom line... no matter what, he and Jess are his focus.
Jess feels hungover... Eric feels weird... stomach upset... heartburn... mixing wine and beer.
They had so much fun last night...especially when Zach kept saying... the bottle does not lie LOL
Eric going to use that in his goodbye speech to Amber.
11:18 a.m. BBT
TRIVIA : BB left the feeds on in the DR after Eric arrived. Only theme music but Eric animated (including his brows lol) and a script near his left knee.
11:42 a.m. BBT
Still have trivia.
12:pm BBT
They're back. Jameka up to HOH room and Jess' butt before the ceremony was finished, I think LOL
Eric did not use POV.
Jam telling Jess she can't believe he didn't use it...why would he want them next to him (D&D) Jess just yeah'ing her.
Eric joins them. Jam comments that he's a very good speech maker.
She's in the bed next to Jess. Eric sitting in swivel chair.
Amber and Eric have a quick convo in big BR, Amber reading the Bible. Eric heads up to HOH to see Jess and Jam. Jess says he gave a good speech.
Jess: Zach's speech made no sense to me
Eric: I am one of 7, however
Jam: It was 14, but we are all 1... And the cat jumped through the hula hoop, thank you..
*the three laugh*
Jameka doesnt think ED was worried at all, Jess says he wouldn't show it anyway..Jameka thinks Dani is a threat, and Dick is just so sure that anyone would want to take him to the final 2.
Eric: None the less we all sitting here in the house.
There are 6 of us and I am 1 of 6.
Jameka: He said what ever decision you make I'll live with it..(Zach)
12:15PM BBT
The trio in the HOH room talking about banks and money...Eric wants to know why people use Coinstar when the banks will take all the loose change from people. They trying to figure why people use it. Jameka says that they probably do it at night when the banks are not open. Eric got a coin machine from Dave and Busters ticket prize.
Back to Game Play talking again. Eric not using the Veto is brought up by Jam AGAIN. And AGAIN Eric explains himself. Not backdooring anyone.. Making people mad for no reason.
Dani comes in and asks if she's interrupting.. Eric says no that they were making out in the bed and he was just filming. Dani now telling the three about Zach downstairs.
Eric tells Jam to say what Zach said yesterday in bathroom.
Jam: I was doing my hair, and in the middle of your game before I joined in...and how he rinsed his hands under the water after the bathroom, then said he didn't want to have pee hands when he goes out there.. Jameka making fun of how you need SOAP to wash your hands.
Eric crawls in bed with Jess and Jam. Dick is asleep and Zach is asleep. Dani walking around. BY still closed. Jess called to DR
Dani is making herself a sandwich and chips.
1:10PM BBT
Eric come down stairs from the HOH room and says that he is too bored and is going to take a nap. Daniele tells him good luck napping and cuddle well with Zach.
1:15PM BBT
Zach called to the DR
As Zach walks to DR, Dani yells YAY! The backyard is open. Then she starts doing dishes.
1:30PM BBT
Amber is in the kitchen making a sandwich.
Dani puts on her bathing suit, grabs some laundry and heads to the backyard.
1:40PM BBT
Zach goes outside and asks Dani if she's been called to the DR yet.
Dani gets up to check the washing machine because it's beeping...looks like it broke again.
Zach is alone in the backyard tanning and eating.
Dani comes out and yells at the washing machine, telling it that she hates it! Asks if they can just get a new that actually works!
Dani joking about her DR session....casual talk with Dani and Zach...then FOTH
2:15PM BBT
Dani and Zach tanning and talking. Physical appearance are the sexiest things on a guy (according to Dani) - Freakishly tall, big man hands, pretty eyes, pretty smile, then she's hooked.
Zach"so where does that put me"
Dani"in the toilet"
Dani"I'm just kidding"
Dani then mentions how she wishes she was taller like 5'9" - ish
Quote of the Day from Dani - You live and you learn that everything happens for a reason.
4 pm
Dick, Zack, Dick talking about Mexico
Dick saying US should have kept Mexico in the war.
Amber sleeping on F3, Jess sleeping in HOH on F4
Dani playing with her split ends talking about only having 4 hours of sleep.
Asking if everyone out there watching wants to buy her a new car. Now Dick and Zack are asking her why she would say that. She gets mad and stomps inside. Zack tells Dick Your related.
Dick can't believe she would say that. He said it was very Jenish of her.
4:20 pm
Dani inside pouting by herself
Dick and Zack talking about Bobs Big Boy and all the nice cars that go on special nights
Dani ignoring Dick and Zack when they come inside
Dick asks if she is mad at him now. She said "Nope". She is being very short and snappy with Dick. Dick said he is not down with being talked to like that all the time, I will just leave. Then he went outside
4:30 pm
Dani has now changed into work out clothes
Zack offered to work out with her.
Amber is awake and in BR
Eric and Jess are the only HG still sleeping.
Dani first time on eliptical
She is trying to figure out how to start it. Having a hard time getting started.
Dani has been on eliptical for two min and is already tired. She is making fun of herself saying she has worked off a peanut.
4:45 pm
Amber and Jam talking in BY
Amber telling Jam that Dick asked her if she was done reading "That Book" yet. This made her upset.
Jam is saying by listening to Eric's speech, she thinks Zack will be evicted.
Eric is now awake and siting on living room couch.
In BY Amber says she does not want to win HOH this week. She want's to win the next one. Jam tells her she need to win this one because Jess can't play. Amber just said Dani is going to vote to keep her.
5 pm
Jam and Amber talking in back yard on Hammock
Amber.. there's no reason i should be in shape yet...
Jam and amber talking about Eric and Jess and what they can say to jess to keep her (amber) in the house.
Jam. if i know eric, from what i know from him..... Amber interupts talking about eric and what he said to her about using the veto and him letting her know that his veto has nothing to do with the way that he votes, Amber is pissed that eric didnt throw the veto, she says wait until she wins the veto to save him.
Jam says he didnt throw it because of pride she says in that moment, its pride....
Jam says she was in a daze watching amber run closer and closer (in the veto), definatly eric was looking at her and ED to, thinking what is she doing, she thinks she shouldve went back over to the sand and looked for the thing.
Amber says that her and jam are so seftless, b/c they didntgo for the stump? (still talking veto), she says that she was telling god today, and saying that she trust god, and she has no worry... not that she is giving up but if it is her time to go then it is, maybe she was put here for modeling or for being an inspirational speaker. Maybe her being here wasnt to win the game. If she thinks of only the game it makes her depresse, the comps get more intense
5:10 pm
Jam- talking about jess and wants to watch how she fraises things when she talkes to jess
amber says she needs to tak advantage of Jess having her back.
Jam says that they have to make it to the final four. she says JEDD can not make it.
Amber thinks F4 is gonna be JAM, AMBER, JESS, DANI. B/c of the cake? (one of her "signs")
Amber says it will work out
Amber telling Jam to make a good godbye mesage just in case she gets evicted.
5:30 pm
Am says that god is proud of her now
God says to preach, teach, encourage... am thinks that she has done all of that the whole time in this house.
5:40 pm
feeds now in LR, dick eric and dani
Eric: says he was already called in (DR) and jam took him into the SR real quick to ask him questions about the VETO, eric says it is a little to late for her to try to talk him out of anything.
Dick: says he is only sorry that they didnt haver her (jen) break a record about going up 4 in a row.
Eric: Oh the good people.. eric says hmmm kinda funn do i even qualify for that anymore
Jam said to him that she sees the good in his eyes...
5:50 pm
jameka called to DR
Zack talking about Lord of the Rings
Dick asks Jam what is going on with the back of her hair
now the guys are making fun of it (her hair)
Dick says BB still owes him a carton of cIGS.. "marlboro reds 100 box please"
All 4 feeds on Jam in BBY foldng cloths out of dryer
6 pm
Jam joins Am and Dani and works out with them
Feeds change to Dick in HT.. Zack is outside with him talking game with zack dick says that his opinion and stance has kept zack off the block a lot of times
6:10 pm
Trivia (veto meeting)
7:10 pm
feeds back eric and jess and dani in living room ED outside smoking
looks like the hg's are not allowed to speak ONE WORD about Amber and Daniele's trip
7:15 pm
After sitting outside, occasionally shaking his head, Dick walks back inside and kisses Daniele on the top of her head.
When it cuts to Amber and Jameka in the gym, Amber is mad, saying "This is crap!"
Amber Jameka and Dani were working out in the exercise room. Jess and Eric are on the couches and are chatting about their future in Kansas
When it came back from trivia, Dani walked up to Eric and Jess and said I'm not talking about the thing we're not allowed to talk about but" ... and then it cut immediately to FOTH.
Dani asks Dick "whats for dinner.."
Dicks says "hotdogs"
Dani walks away and says "why do i even bother?"
Zack ask her what she wants
Dick looks annoyed and goes in to see what she (Dani)wants
She says she didnt mean it that way.
7:25 pm
Dani in bathroom sniffling
7:30 pm
Eric and Jess planning their future
eric is wondering if he can get a fish tank, a hot a tub, and of course a $2000 flat screen TV. He wants to know if he has to ask her before buying these things or can he just buy them. She exclaims that she cares and it matters.
Dick making more food (for dani)
Chicken stuffed with mozz cheese and spinach covered in marinara sauce i believe.
Dani says she doesn't want it, but ED says "it will be here if you want it."
7:40 pm
more future plans and living arrangements
Eric would miss his sports and would have to get directTV. He would miss Broadway shows. He said they can go to a show when they visit NY. Jess likes drinking movies and TV. Now talking about magazines. E: would maxim bother you? j:no. my brother gets it and I read them. E: I wonder if this is making my friends and fam nervous. J: why? E: they think I'm moving to Kansas. J: U R. E: I know, thats why they would be upset, they love me. Eric is now asking if he can use around 6 weeks to get ready to move, first she says yes, now she is thinking about it. She said that he up and left for BB.
8 pm
Daniele to Amber in WR: "I'm sooooo depressed." FOTH
Dani asks Amber if she's excited about dinner tomorrow because they're allowed to talk about it. Amber says yes, she is.
Dani says she's excited about it.
8:30 pm
Eric asks if Jess would consider taking some extra time off to stay out there after the show and hang out. She says it depends. He said on what. She said her brother, how much leave time he might have.
Jess checked the SR and discovered beer. Says, "woo hoo."
no wine tonight though
amber lying in bed tracing her tattoos and touching them over and over again
Dani comes into room and asks Amber if she's okay. She said yeah she's fine. Dani says are you sure? She said yes.
Dick goes out to have a ciggy and says, "This whole thing with Nick is F'n ridiculous Stop letting it side track you" out loud to himself.
8:40 pm
Amber is telling God that he's welcome in her heart anytime he wants to come, he doesn't even need to knock.
Amber is saying to herself, "God, I hope something comes out of this for me, I want to go to school, I want to be a model, I want to be an inspirational speaker, I want to be so many things." She said she's got a lot of big-time goals that she wants to accomplish soon
dani thinking about going into the DR to ask if Jen is at the jury house
8:45PM BBT
Now Amber is sitting on her bed playing with a hair clip, opening and closing it and saying "Rawr."
Jameka was saying something about how they all forgot about the trip and thought they were getting America's Choice. Jessica wants a party...Danielle says there is a party tomorrow. Jess asks why and Dani says they can't talk about it. Jessica invited everyone to "her" party and Daniele doesn't think she wants to go. Jessica says she has to or they can't be friends anymore. Talk about My Space.
Now Amber has gone outside, laying on the couch talking to herself. Keeps repeating, "Thank you very much" and saying she loves that guy. Now she's saying, "Oh my God. Oh wow." She says to herself that she needs to lay out tomorrow, she's so white it's ridiculous.
Random chitchat..Jameka washing dishes, Dani Dick, Eric and Jess sitting at counter. Talk about Julie Chen's she told Eric he had a lot of explaining to do and Jessica was all worried. First BB baby...Jess says the bottle doesn't lie and Dick will have the first baby. He says he,s not ready for grandfatherhood. Dick: as Daniele could attest, I'm not even ready for fatherhood.
Jessica: My family saw me naked on tv last night
Dani: you were blurred Jessica
Jessica: they could've missed a nipslip!
Eric talks about the various times he's been naked..the jumping jacks..etc. How his parents would react..
Danielle still picking at her split ends
9:30PM BBT
Dani says next week it will be three against one, if we can't win it something's wrong. Eric said he's not worried at all. Then Dani said, "But that's what I thought about...(kind of looks up and indicates she can't say)...and Eric says he got the message. Then Dani makes an ugh sound.
9:40PM BBT
The sound for the oven went off. Dick is back in the kitchen, taking the food out.
Danielle is playing with one of the fake plants, putting a piece of clothing on it.
Dick said dinner will be ready in 5 minutes to Eric. Saying he has to wait for the cheese. Now dinner is ready in 1 minute!
Daniele now has put oranges or something, in the top she put on the plant. Dustin's crown is on the very top of the plant. Daniele says "saggy boobs" and laughs.
Jameka is heard in the background saying the food "looks so good". Dick is serving dinner.
10:15PM BBT
Amber talking to Jameka in shower. She said she thinks Jess put her up to make D&D think that she's not with them (Amber and Jameka) and she put Zach up to make them think she's not with D&D.
Jess filling Eric in on Amber talking to her about Eric not using POV and how she wants good people at the end and how Amber thinks Eric doesn't want good people at the end so he has a better chance of winning. Eric says he doesn't put the HGs in good/bad categories and he wouldn't put her in the good category any more than anyone else. He is annoyed at Amber and her talk.
Dick came in HOH room and said he thinks Daniele is depressed. Jess says, "Why, because she didn't get to see Nick or whatever..." Eric says hmm mmm (trying to stop her)...FOTH
10:20PM BBT
Dick is still in HOH with Jess and Eric. Talking about Zach and household chores. Talking about how they don't like the structure of something (the game maybe), and how there is so much dead time. Jess wonders if Zach will go back to normal if he stays, the guys think he will until he gets nominated again (LOL). Talking about what Eric should've said in his veto speech.
Dick comments on how he doesn't think he has ever seen a reality show where someone cries so much. Jess says I knoooow. Eric thinks she must have cried during her interviews. Now Dick and Eric talk about how ugly they think Amber is and Jess says she thinks Amber has a pretty face and Dick say yeah, for a horse.
10:40PM BBT
Eric thinks he is a major topic of conversation in the jury house. Jess says no Jen is... Eric says yeah, because she is talking about herself. Eric wonders if Dustin has waxed Jens's tail.
Dick says that he, Jess and Eric should do their goodbye message together to Amber complete with fake tears about how sorry they are to see her go.
10:50PM BBT
Jess and Eric head out to the hot tub.
Amber says to Dick in the bathroom, "I want to talk to you at some point." Dick says, "Any time you want. It's not like I have anything to do or anywhere to go." Eric says what if instead of drinking tonight we drink all day tomorrow...says what if I drink all 12 tomorrow. Jess double dog dares him to do it.
11:30PM BBT
Dick moved out of his parents' house at 16. He is talking to Jameka in the BY about moving out with two other 16 year olds. He says it was hard. He would work in the morning before school.
11:45PM BBT
Jess talking about her HS uniform being an nasty blue plaid jumper with a white polo shirt. Dick says he had to cut off all his surfer hair and wear a white short sleeved shirt with a tie with little American flags on it. That lasted all of about 3 months before he was kicked out. Changing the subject, he look at the size of that moth... Jameka thought it was a bat.
11:50PM BBT
Dick, Jameka and Jess are talking about which animal they would want to be. Dick would want to be a monkey because they have thumbs. Then he later states that he wouldn't mind being a sea otter because they eat off their tummies. Jess would want to be a penguin then changes her mind. She might want to be an animal that was fat. maybe a pig...or a panda bear, or a koala bear, kangaroo.
Amber is going to bed. Zach goes outside to sit with the others.
12:20AM BBT
Dani is woken up by BB and is pissed off..joins the backyard crew.
Everyone seems to be digging into the chocolate ice cream at different times..they are all talking about the dinner, which steak places are the best.
Zach ate 7 hotdogs and has gas..his fart shook Jameka's foot and she can't get over it.
They keep getting in trouble for talking about the DR.
Amber in bed, Eric done with his shower.
Everyone else outside - random chitchat.
12:30AM BBT
Eric in and out of DR.
Zach is going to try to get some sleep.
Dick called to DR
12:45AM BBT
Jess in and out of telling everyone good night and going upstairs.
Amber is awake and playing with her hair.
12:50AM BBT
Dick asks Dani about the courses she might take in school
Dani: I don't know.
Dick: You don't want to talk?
Dani: I said I don't knoowww!
Jameka wakes up and goes inside.
Amber and Jameka talking in the bedroom. Jam tells Amber to talk to Eric tomorrow. Amber looked surprised at something Jam said and said she doesn't kiss anyone's behind. She also said Jam would go crazy if Zach is still here next week. Amber says she is sick of it and doesn't really care anymore if she goes home or not.
1:15AM BBT
Eric (to D/D): Remind me that tomorrow after dinner, there are some thoughts I want to share.
Dick: Me too. Some things I want to talk about
ED Dani & Eric in BY bashing Zach and Amber, ED saying Amber has never had an original thought in her head. ED and Eric bringing up his speech at POV and how bad it was. ED says he can't believe he said he was alone in the game when he had the MRA the 2nd day.
1:30AM BBT
Amber, Jameka, Jess, and Zach are in bed, they have all been called to DR.
Dick, Dani and Eric are talking in BY.
Daniele doesn't remember who she picked if she could get a phone call. She said she would go back and change her selection so it would be Ms Cleo. She wants to be the same as Amber. Her visions are working for her and she wants some of these visions. Dick says they are flashbacks. Eric picked Bill Cosby to call him. Dani thinks it's because he likes Jello.
2:10AM BBT
Dick: 8 down 4 to go.
Dani: 5 to go.
Dick: heyy..
Dani: For one to suceed the others must fail
BBVoice calls for Dick and asks if he can come for a visit.
Dick says yes and heads inside.
Cut to FOTH
2:30AM BBT
Eric is outside in the hammock alone. After a couple minutes he goes inside and lays in bed.
3:30AM BBT
Dick back on feeds. Folding towels from the dryer, took them inside. Everyone else in bed, sleeping. Dick: Funny thing about this show, it doesn't feel like a show. Here way too long. Survivor? I'd die on Survivor. Eh, same thing, you don't get to see sh*t...Laughs a little to himself...says, "Really weird". Talks to himself a bit about the comps and how his little group rocks. Then begins bashing the evicted.
3:50AM BBT
Dick - Alright... I'm gonna try to go to bed now. Looks at the washer. Thinks he put too much soap in it. Says he doesn't know and he doesn't care. Goes inside. Sees Zach's socks. "I'd rather stick a poker in my eye than touch those".
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