Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Tuesday, August 28

It's a Happy Day in the Neighborhood

6:30AM BBT
All are sleeping

10:40AM BBT
Jameka got up, changed her batteries and went back to bed.

11:15AM BBT
Zach got up, went to the bathroom and went back to bed.

Wake Up Call from BB

12:15PM BBT
Dick and Zack in BY on F1 & 2. Amber still in bed on F3. Eric and Dani still in bed on F4. Zack now in WR.

12:30PM BBT - 12:45PM BBT

12:50PM BBT
Eric: We're blowing AllStars out of the water. It's not our fault we're more entertaining.

Amber and Jameka are whispering in their room. Amber laughing to herself and Jess walks into the room. Jess heading out to tan.

ED and Eric still talking about the days in the house. Jess comes in the kitchen and ED says she's going to start a fire w/ her feet (her shoes are noisy). Jess says she'll start one w/ her eyes. Eric farts, then announces he is going to get some sun today. Zach tells him to remember sunscreen.

ED eating cereal. He's still annoyed by the music today...says someone should die and that he feels gyped...tells Jess that as she walks by. Now Jess and ED wonder if this week would be the double eviction.

Jess feels she made the wrong decision with noms this week. Eric and Jess talking about Jess not being herself and she tells him she feels unsure about her nom's this week. Dick interrupts Jess and Eric's convo... asking about how many days they are here in total for, Eric says anywhere between 75-95 days. Dick and Eric now questioning if there is going to be a Double Eviction Week or not... Dick ask Eric if theres always been a double eviction week on BB, Eric doesnt think so.

Eric asking if Jess want's to go up to HOH and talk. She said if we go up it will look pretty obvious. He said OK we will talk later.

1:10PM BBT
Eric now talks about Zach's tantrum at 7am when they called him into DR - Dani and Eric say he was being rude slamming things around.

1:20PM BBT
Zach called to Storage Room by BB then FOTH. Seems he was given scissors to cut his hair. He and Jameka go to the bathroom and take a chair in there with them.

1:30PM BBT
Dani gets annoyed at Dick as she tries to explain something and he's not getting it. Dani glad only 21 days left. Tries to be excited. Dick tells her to enjoy while she's here cuz it's once in a lifetime. She says she's entitled to feel the way she feels. He says every conversation goes this way where he's made to be the jack***. She pretty says whatever. He says blah, blah, blah. Dick says I don't think you know how shi**y you are sometimes...Dani says Oh my God you always have to get in the last word.

Jess and Eric are up in HOH. She's starting to 2nd guess her decisions and is starting to tear up. Jess crying to Eric and says she's upset because she put up 2 people that weren't even after her... she's really regretting not putting up Dani & Dick. Jess says Dick & Dani don't like her and don't know how she feels, but Amber & Jameka do. She's really having 2nd thoughts on the way things going. Eric convincing Jess that Amber really does NOT like Jess.

1:40PM BBT
Eric telling Jess that he will do basically what Dick did when Dick & Dani were up if it comes to Final 4 JEDD, Eric will act like a total jerk so he's the one who goes instead of Jess. He says this because Jess saying she's afraid if Final 4 is JEDD, she's first to go. Eric convincing Jess that D&D have their back. Once alliance was made, both had chance to screw other, neither did. Eric says that's pretty good evidence that the alliance is strong. Doesn't think it would be that strong with Amber/Jameka.

1:50PM BBT
Eric jokingly says he's bi-polar. One minute he feels confident in the game, next minute he has no confidence. Eric says his life will never be the same after BB. He says whether it's because of the money, the friendships, etc.... He says he will not be going back to the same life...his life will forever change. Jess agrees.

2:05PM BBT
Eric asks Jess if she's a trusting person in real life or is she guarded? She says she's usually guarded, why? He says he just wants to know if she's being herself in here. She says she's been burned too much.

Eric says he feels badly about winning the PoV and possibly talking Jess into something she didn't want to do. Jess says he didn't. Eric tells Jess that her 1st HOH win was his best moment in the game. He was at his lowest low and when she won she picked him up. He says he will try his hardest to win HOH to pick her up this week. Jess says she can't influence Eric. Eric laughs and says he falls apart whenever she is upset w/ him. She still insists that she can't influence him, just "get to him". Eric says she influences him more than he influences her. Jess says she believes him. Jess now says she's glad they had this talk.

Eric jumps under the covers and says he's going to squeeze her until she says he's annoying her. She says she's not annoyed.

2:15PM BBT
Eric says again he's going to win HOH this week, and he expects a big celebration if he does. He tells Jess to wear a top where her boobs will come out because those are the biggest days in the house and those are the biggest things in the house. Jess says, "Oh Eric."

2:45PM BBT
Jess tells Eric that BB fans hate him. He asks why...She says because he is a LIAR! Then Jess asks Eric if he will put up Jam if he gets HOH. He says he doesn't know...will have to wait and see....says whoever stays this week should go next week (of Amber or Zach).

Eric now talking about how Jess is not affectionate and asks if she is usually like that. She says no, it's mostly because she's in the house. He also asks if she wants him to stay away, She says no, that she likes spending time with him.

3:05PM BBT
Amber talking to Eric and Jess. She swears on her daughter's life that she doesn't hold the Dustin thing against them. Amber says it sucks to be up against Zach because she can see why they would want him to be around because he sucks and nobody wants to be against her in the final two. Now she's crying and saying that she worked really hard for this and that she has a lot at stake. She will vote for the final two based on game skills. Eric says he will tell Amber on Thursday what they have decided as far as the vote. Amber says she would appreciate that. She doesn't want to know tomorrow because she doesn't want to be moping around and depressed because her family will be watching. She doesn't want to walk out of the house sobbing, she'd rather know and be ready for it. Amber says she really likes the two of them as people and would like to stay in touch with them outside of the house....and she's still crying.

3:25PM BBT
Amber now saying that she wants a good person to win and even if it isn't her as long as it is a good person. Now she is talking about D/D and how Dani is annoying and talks bad about people and Dick is a mad man(something to that effect....). She thinks that if it's her and someone else left in the final two that most people will vote on a strategic stand point and she hasnt played strategically, she says that she has made good friends and been nice to people but hasn't really made any moves, she thinks it is unfair that people want her out because she has 2 "friends"/votes in the jury house already.... Eric says the few things that he wishes he could take back were decisions made too early or he put his foot in his mouth, he has opted for all future voting situations regardless who is up he is going to let the week play out and let everyone say their piece and then see how everyone acts that week and then make his decision. He wishes he could tell Amber out right and let her know what he will do but he made that choice a few weeks ago. Amber says she can't relate to what he is saying but can understand. She says that you know in your heart who you are gonna vote for. She says her heart tells her to tell people that they will have her vote regardless of what happens later on that week. But she says she still respects his choice to do that.

Eric says it is hard for him to seperate the strategic and personal here and he didn't think that he would have many personal feelings in the game. Says he personally likes Amber and wants to go to Vegas to visit. But he doesn't want to get himself in a personal level. Says that the Dustin thing affects him on a personal level even today but not on a strategic level...

3:35PM BBT
Amber says Okay...well, that's it. Eric says well like i always say "ill be here all week". Amber now leaving. Eric says they will be down in a few to make food. Jess says see I want to keep her not Zach. He has already said that he is done with her. Jess wants to tell her and Jam that they want the group back together. She thinks Zach will go back to Dick and Dani. Eric - I will shake Zach down and have him come to our side.

3:40PM BBT
Eric - Amber has tried to F*** with me and you on a personal level and talk to Dick and Daniele but then just now says that she doesn't like them. This is the game that Amber is playing and she has probably already given Dick and Dani her word. He doesn't think that they have their best interests at heart. There are 2 options for final 4 JEDD.... OR Amber, Jam, Jess, and Eric. His personal opinion says Amber, Jameka, Jess and him. He doesn't think that that is really possible though. Eric would rather go against Dick and Dani than Amber. Jess says she thinks she would go against Amber but not Jam.....Now discussing who would vote for who in the Jury and they are weighing options.

Amber and Jameka are whispering. Amber's talking REALLY fast and it's hard to make out most of what she's saying. She says Eric wouldn't commit to a vote...will tell her on Thurs. More whispering...something about backdooring...can't make out much.

Eric says Zach will be coming up to plead his case. Jess says she's not gonna listen. She's done with Zach.

3:45PM BBT
Amber still whispering game to Jam. She says "good person" many times. She's talking about votes..."a good person deserves to win" . Amber is telling Jameka she did really good up there and now she needs to talk to Dani. Jameka says, "You need Dani's vote."

Eric tells Jess that he really wanted to ask Amber who makes her the person to decide who is a good person or not.

Amber whispers to Jam that sh's going to talk to D&D. She then says that if she leaves Jam should get with Eric and Jess and go 3 against 3 with Dick & Daniele and Zach. Amber tells Jameka that God is so proud of her for going up there and talking to them. Jameka leaves the bedroom.

Amber and Jameka are talking again. Amber says that it will be her and Jam on the block every week. She says they have to stay strong. She then says the game is crazy and she would never do it again. She says she only watched parts of a couple seasons and no idea what she was getting into. She says if she had watched more, she probably would have never done BB. Amber says this has scarred her for life and this will make her even more of a "crier"...talking about her daughter and boyfriend. Jess called to the DR...

4:15PM BBT
Eric and Dani are in the kitchen talking about problems with their partners. Feeds go from Amber/Jam in bedroom to Dick in the WC shaving. Then to Dani and Eric in the kitchen. We come into the middle of their convo. Dani saying even if you came into the game with your best friend, if you spent all your time with them you would get sick of them. Dani says her and her dad have fun sometimes, but he gets to be too much when he wants to act like her dad. (Sounds like they have been comparing frustrations). Eric says he's glad he knows Dani is going through the same frustrations. He talks about when things happen he can see it coming but it's usually a runaway train. Dani says you have to blow some things off. Eric says he agrees but sometimes he just wants to get it out in the open.

Jess comes out of the DR. Amber called into the DR.

4:25PM BBT
Jess asks why they are on lockdown so long... Dani Jess and Eric talk about banners. They are speculating on why there is a long lockdown. Maybe lots of banners... Jess thinks America is trying to tell her they love her and she is the best HG ever. Jess jokes about fans who want to send her banners should send them during live HOH's when they are outside because if they send them before they put a cover over the backyard. Eric and Jess joke about banners saying that each other are liars and not to trust each one. Jess jokes about the banner for Eric already calling him a liar.

Jessica, Eric and Dani talking about dinner tonight. Eric thinks it will be at 9. Dani said no, it will be after the show airs. They talk about what time "the show" airs and then Dani said, wait doesn't our show air tonight too (BB)? ***I think they are talking about Power of Ten***

4:30PM BBT
Dani speculates that Amber might be lying about having a daughter to Jess/Eric...They joke about the banner maybe saying "Amber is STILL a Liar" Dani say you never know but she thinks Amber might be lying about having an 8 year old daughter. Eric says it's crossed his mind. Jess says it hasn't. Eric says it wouldn't shock him, but he would just laugh. Dani says she doesn't think so, but you never know.

Dick is in the shower, Eric Jess and Dani are having some noodle soup. Zach is awake and joins them

4:40PM BBT
Jess announces to the kitchen group that BB can change her title from Jessica-Student to Jessica-Eric's Future Wife. They are joking about what to call each other now in the diary room. Jess says Eric should start referring to her as the love of his life. Eric says only if she does the same. Zach and Dani are joking around with them.

Amber doing Dicks hair with Jess watching and making small talk in HOH bathroom. Eric comes up and chats with Jess while she arranges pictures on the wall in HOH.

Power of Ten Update
Amber beat out Dani to try for 10 million with a 3-0 initial round. Amber went on to answer the first two questions correctly, but totally lost on the 3rd question ($100K) when asked what percentage of Americans think that people should NOT be allowed to own pit bulls as pets.

5:30PM BBT
Amber and Dick are talking in the backyard. Dick tells Amber that he knows if he keeps her in the house, she will be going after him and Daniele. Dick is telling Amber how people lie and make deals they don't keep. Dick's vote is going to the person who hasnt gone to Eric and Jess and try back stabbing him - they have both betrayed him. Zach and Jess are talking in HOH about jury votes.

5:40PM BBT
Dick and Amber talk about they week they were supposed to evict Eric. Amber blaming the flip on Dustin. She says she couldn't do anything because of her promise (on her daughter's life). ED talking about how the whole house was against him and Dani when Jess won that next HOH. Amber saying she's never been against Dani. Dick says he's not holding the past on anyone but there are reasons he can't trust either Amber or Zach. Zach being a kiss ass and Amber for lying. Amber admits that she lied, but she had to do it for her best friend in the house. Dick saying he knew for a fact when he was on the block that he was going home until the very last minute. And he was okay with going home.

5:50PM BBT
Dick: This thing looks really retarded. How can you sit there and have a serious conversation with me with this on my head (he has Jameka's hairdryer on). ED and Amber talk about when they drifted apart. ED says he did it because everyone thought ED, Amber and Dust were in an alliance. ED says he would have never been in an alliance with Dust...never trusted him. ED talking about how Dust and Joe said the same things about each other. ED telling Amber that her trusting Dust wasn't the smartest game play. ED says he hasn't decided on the vote...has to talk to Dani 1st. ED says it's too bad Amber missed Jen's meltdown. He says it was very entertaining.

Dick tells Amber that he's played hard in the house and that he blew up a lot of bridges. He said stuff that went to the heart but he said that he had too. He feels that Dani took a lot of sh*t for stuff that he did and he feels thats unfair. They are two different people. Says Dustin told Dani that when he looks at her it reminds him of Dick. Amber said that she tried to tell Dustin to bring it down a notch. Dick now talking about how he (Dustin) wore the crown and the robe. Dick says that everyone had had it by then.


Jess is joking around w/ Eric calling him a liar because he said he was in the DR and didn't come save her from Zach. Jess says she's gonna take a bath. Eric asks if it's w/out him. Jess says he can join. Eric asks Jam if she wants to take a bath w/ them. Jam declines. Jess is being loud and happy...Jam points out that Jess is in a good mood.

Jess: He's got my back, I got his, we're gonna make out and make up.
Jameka: What?

Dick tells Amber there is not much time left. There are only 6 people left. Amber still wants to talk to Dani. Dick says he will talk to Eric and Jess and he thinks that Zach sold them (Dick and Dani) out. Says he will find out. He wants to talk to her about her NY trip when they get the clearence to talk about it.

6:05PM BBT
Amber says she is nothing to Eric. Dick says that Jam totally changed the game when she saved Jen. Everyone;s actions in this game have shaped and formed what this game is now.

6:10PM BBT
Jess is calling Eric into the HOH bathroom. "Come in here you little jew baby!" Eric: Coming! Jess is in the bathtub. Jam is talking about how she doesn't want to kill Eric anymore...wants to come see him in NY. Eric is cutting his toe nails and Jam says he's doing it wrong. The 3 of them are joking around and talking.

6:15PM BBT
Eric asking Jam what she thinks about Eric Stein picking up his life from the fast life of Manhattan to Wichita to be w/ the young love of his life...leaving behind friends, family, etc...He will stay there for a year while "we" finish college. Jam asks if the we will be working. Eric says yes. Eric talking about going to Jess's dance things. Eric asking Jam what she thinks about "someone" expecting Eric to cutoff all his friends and family...no visits.

Jokes about Jess farting in the tub. Jam tries to make a joke about Eric's girlfriend. Jam asking questions.

6:25PM BBT
Eric and Jess are still negotiating where they will spend holidays w/ Jam mediating. They are laughing and being silly.
Amber is in the backyard alone, looking sad.

6:30PM BBT
Eric goes downstairs to get the water he was boiling for Jess' water...He's carefully pouring it in the tub. Jess says it's great. Then she says it smells like pasta. Jam and Eric can't smell it.

Downstairs, Dani is cutting up a pineapple alone in the kitchen.

Eric gets in the bath with Jess...both are wearing bathing suits. Jameka teaching him how to properly add bubbles...she says he needs to know how to do it for his new nephew. Jess helps him now that he is in there with her.

Jameka turns the conversation names - Jewish people have Jewish names, Muslims have Muslim names...where do they come from? Eric says that names get passed down thru the generations and other ethnic groups have their "own" names, too.

6:45PM BBT
Zach is now in the HOH bathroom saying he took a cold shower because they (Jess and Eric) used all of the hot water.

Back downstairs, Zach asks Dani if she thinks it will be a double eviction. She says she hopes so.

Dani saying she is homeless. Zach asks if she can live at Kris's house. She said no because of his parents. He is asking if Kris will be at her apartment all the time when she gets out. She pauses and says once out of the BB house, I am going to travel and see what the future holds.

Jameka finally left the HOH Bathroom and Jess and Eric are able to talk. She tells Eric at first she was against Amber leaving, now she is changing her mind. Amber has been telling her please don't send her to the jury house. Jess is annoyed at that. Eric tells her that Zach is actually bothering him less and less. Amber is annoying him as well. Jess says what if Zach is with D&D and puts them up. Eric tells her that he doesn't think it will happen because Dick hates Zach and he will win HOH this week. Eric says he doesn't trust Amber. Jess says she does. Eric tells her she does not look out for her best interests and tries to tear her down. She never says anything helpful to Jess.

7:15PM BBT
Zach: If you win will you really buy Nick a monkey?
Dani: If he wants one but I think he changed his mind
Dani: I'm so depressed though.. oh I can't talk about it

Jess is still second guessing not putting up Dani and Dick. Eric rehashes a lot about people who can protect you (him and Jam) vs people who will put up others (Amber/Zach). It's a risk because 6 people left. You really shouldn't feel comfortable with anyone. Jess says she's more nervous with D&D than .... (trails off) She is worried about them holding up their end of the agreement. She seems convinced that Zach will go with D&D. Eric tells her that there agreement is with D&D and they don't have any agreement with Amber or Zach.

All Feeds cut to Jameka and Amber on the hammock. Amber now spilling what Dick was talking about in the BY earlier. They (am/jam) now know that JEDD are in an alliance....Amber says that Jess is full of it because she told Jam that they (D/D) were her target. Amber saying Dick said a little more than what Dick actually said. Amber has concluded that it was a one week deal not to put each of them (Dick, Jess, Dani and Eric) up for one week. She doesn't know about the final 4 deal.

7:30PM BBT
Dani in HOH talking to Eric about how she is avoiding everyone. She leaves HOH and Jess changes. She is now out of the tub. Eric asks Jess what can he do to make her feel reassured. Jess says win HOH...Eric- Deal, but you don't need to hear anything from anyone else. Jess- No. Jess is brushing her hair and talking about Dani and Dick. Eric mentions that they talk to them more now...that Dani has talked to Jess a lot on a more personal level.

Amber and Jam in hammock, Dani sitting on the ground. Dani saying that the house is so boring now, that in the begining there was always people to talk to and stuff going on.

8:48 p.m. BBT
Burgers are on the grill. Zach washing up some dishes. Daniele scurrying back and forth placing food on the table. Jameka?
Eric and Jess talking about Jess' friends...

8:55 p.m. BBT
Eric saying he has really good friends. Asks Jess why he has to leave them all behind. She said she was only kidding. Eric just wanted her to say that out loud LOL
Jess telling the story about 7th grade (possibly what caused the split with Carol)
They were in school, on the A Team - Sweater Squad
Carol, Jess and Jaime Smith - of course on the A Team because they were really good... lol... Also at J. Crew with..........

Came back for a second and we hear Jemeka saying she's going to make bacon for herself and Dani (for their burgers) She's going to cook it in the microwave. Daniele shocked. Saying fry it. Jameka doesn't want the extra fat.
Zach brought something in and said he burned a few.
Daniele saying her grandmother loves him and wants to marry him and have his babies. Zach said something about electronics.
Daniele saying she can't wait to go to Disney World. Zach too. She tells him he's not invited. Zach said he's going to trail behind her and her dad.
Jameka giving a fly what-for...threatening to fry it in the microwave LOL
Zach went upstairs to roust the HOH and beau.
Daniele had some OJ... it was really bad. She threw her glass into the sink and is now drinking water out of Nick's water bottle.
Wondering where Amber is... in bed... reading.
Dick heading to SR... Daniele asks him to please look for more OJ.

Back in HOH.... Jess did get her $5.00 back... maybe it was $10.00 before she got in the car (money back from Carol? LOL)
They now have accumulated 24 beers... they're in heaven LOL
Dinner is served... Jameka has swiss on her burger.
Happy voices, everyone's hungry.
Eric just thanked everyone, wholeheartedly, for preparing dinner.
Dick just showed Eric's reaction to being frightened in the shower LOL

9:12 p.m. BBT
Jess and Jameka were Girl Scouts. Zach and Eric were Boy Scouts.
This information was revealed when Dick thanked Jameka for the bonus bacon for his burger. She said she had to fulfill her Girl Scout Oath

9:50 pm BBT
HoH--They discuss the Eric issue, Jameka tells Amber that she's going to look after Jess. Jameka feels that Eric won't go after the HoH this week, if Amber stays that he will. Jess comes in the room asking "what's up girls?". She asks if they're just hanging out, what's up with Dick & Daniele. Jam tells her that the comment was a bad use of words.(I didn't hear the comment that ED made) Jess tells them that Dani's re-organizing her clothes. They talk about how many clothes Dani's got. Jess thinks about it and says that Dani didn't have to fly so she didn't have to worry about her luggage being overweight. Jess said that she was 12 pounds overweight with her luggage but they didn't charge her for it.

Amber gets cranked up on how folks are going to vote. She asks Jess what Eric is going to do.(whatever we tell him to) Amber says that she knows that she's got Jameka's vote, she needs another to cause a tie. Jess tells her to get Dani's. Amber goes on as to why Eric wouldn't want a "good" person to win the game. Jam wonders if ED and Dani would ever vote separately,they think that they would because the game has gotten down to every man for themselves.

ED comes in with his new dye job. Jam tells him that the chlorine takes the color out. He plays with Jess's feet,she points one of them at him and hisses. He asks her if the cobra is out,then talks about Jen's long toenails. He tells the girls to come on that they're ready to play.

Zach left the table and is in with Dani.
So far it's just general talk about the BB schedule.
ED pokes his head in and asks them if they are going to play.
Zach says he is trying to bolster Dani up to come play.
Ed prods her to come out and she keeps saying, "No thank you". ED keeps telling her to come on and after several no thanks from Dani, ED tells her to have a nice time in bed and leaves.
They continue the BB schedule chat and then Zach tells her if she ever comes his way that she can crash at his house, that the offer still stands. He leaves and you hear voices in the other room. Zach comes back in laughing and tells Dani that Eric hid behind a wall and jumped out and scared her dad.
Dani is laying across her bed and Zach is sitting across from her just looking at stuff.
Dani asks why he isn't playing with them and Zach said they aren't doing anything yet. He is concerned about drinking to much tonight and saying things he shouldn't. He says he'd rather run on the treadmill and lose his f*****g gut.
Zach is talking about not being excited if he is on the jury and that Dani better be at the end.
Dani tells him that he has Jess and Zach says no way, that's just fake. Jess has Eric, he just wants a chance with his old group again.

Back and Zach is reading the back of a bottle.
He is telling Dani that after he leaves the BB house, he is just worried about making his rent. He is saying that being away makes you miss someone more, or being away makes you love someone, he can't remember the saying.
Dani says that absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Zach says yes but he doesn't know if she's dating someone else or what.
Now he says that he told Nick that he could stay with him if he ever comes out here. He says that he likes Nick, he's cool. Then he says that Mike said he might want to come to Hollywood and Zach said that he asked him if he (Mike) was always like that and Mike said yes. Zach says that he might like to have a roommate, he likes Mike.
Dani agrees that Mike is cool.
Reading the back of the bottle, Zach said he doesn't even know where a poison control center is.
Blue waves again.
Back quickly and Zach is talking about one of the ingredients of the bottle may be one of those things that causes cancer.
Now he says that it will be all over in 1 month, whatever the outcome is. He asks Dani if she has been getting anything out of this experience and she says kinda.
She thinks that she will learn more once she is actually out of the house and asks Zach if that makes sense and of course it does make perfect sense to Zach.
He thinks that a lot of data can be gleaned from the show, peoples sleeping habits, eating habits, s**t like that. He thinks that there will be lots of things waiting for him when he leaves the house, work wise, family wise. Tells Dani that she at least knows what she has when she leaves and she said she has no idea (more than anyone else) what her life will be like when she leaves.
Zach tells her that at least she will have either 50,000 or 500,000 when she's
done and she can take off on her Euro trip or whatever. Zach is telling her that being older, friends come and go for him and he doesn't know who will call him. Like on his birthday he will invite 45 people to come over and only 6 will show up. He says there are things that you just can't control and you will drive yourself crazy thinking about it. His mom gives him good advice like when he has a relationship ending she tells him not to think about it and before you know it a month has gone by. He stands up and tells her if she wants to play quarters to come on out and he goes to the kitchen.

10:22 pm BBT
HoH--This is what has transpired. Jam and Amb have figured out that at one point Eric,ED and Dani had a deal.(the one in which Dustin was voted out) (The 2 girls still don't know that Jess was a part of the F4 deal),all they know is that Eric,ED and Dani made a deal not to put up Eric/Jess if either ED or Dani got the HoH and Eric/Jess wouldn't put up ED/Dani if either Eric or Jess got the HoH. ED made a comment to Amber outside at one point today that the debt had been paid and that they were even now. (Amber and Jameka still don't know about the latest deal. Jess had been playing dumb to them.)

Jameka and Amber are telling her that Eric doesn't want to get the HoH because he doesn't want pix of his ex-girlfriend in the room for Jess to see.(E told Jess all about this girl and they discussed the picture business also about a week or 2 ago) Jam and Amber continue to tell Jess that Eric is playing his game through her,that Jen told them that Eric threw all the HoH's because of the pix. Amb says that if it's 2-2 that she has a chance of staying,if it's 3-1 she's going home. She's been trying to convince Jess that if she stays that they'll always be 2 votes on Jess's side. Amber tells them that Dani's going to do what her dad tells her to do and if he tells her to keep Zach that Amber's going home. Jam tells her that if they keep Zach, that she feels like they'll put up Jameka and Jess next week. (Amber and Jess have it pretty much figured out except the part that Jess is playing in it.)

10:35 pm BBT
Still HoH--Jess has told Amber to talk to Dani and that she'll talk to Eric. Amber is still drilling it in Jess's head that Eric is playing through her.(they need to vote this girl out....she's getting dangerous) Amber is pulling the "player" card on Jess now,that Eric is only fooling with Jess for the game, that he doesn't really care about her. Amber says that there's no reason for Eric to tell her that she doesn't have his vote, that the reason that Eric doesn't want a "good" person to win is because he's not a "good" person. Jam says that if they don't get Zach out now, that he'll be in the finals. Amber says that if she stays that she's got to win the HoH. Jameka brings up that every time they'd see Eric,Jess,ED and Dani that she'd say that something was up with the 4 of them. Amber pipes up and says that she wondered why Jess would EVER put her up on the block.

10:40 pm BBT
HoH--Jameka has just told Jess that if Amber goes that she needs to reevaluate the relationship and let Eric go. Jameka is saying that ED was really the one pulling the strings with the noms, that they know that it will have to be 3-1 because they don't want to cause a tie and have Jess break it. Zach comes up briefly to tell them some sort of rule that they've made up downstairs. Jess gets up and hollers at them. She comes back and Jam tells her that she hates for it to be a guys vs. the girls kind of thing. Jameka asks her if she's seeing things in a different perspective now? Jess says that she was going over things in her mind. Eric comes up and tells them that he's ready to play.

Amber asks her if she heard Eric's comment the other night, Jess says no, Amber says that Eric called her a f*****g w**re at the table the other night. Jess says that she didn't hear that. They both tell her that they did.

CAM on DR table with Jess, Eric, Zach and ED:
(The guys sound loaded)
Playing quarters.
Eric loses.......has to drink.
Zach says the rules are you have to insult someone to your left (OK)
Amber walks by and ED says......There's something fishy going on here.
Jess' insult to ED is.....you have a very hairy face.
ED:That's not an insult.
Eric: Am I drinking this whole thing?
ED: Ya....you pus**!
Jess hasn't had anything to drink yet.
Jess: I know.
Jam comes in........Ohhhh......u guys just want to get Jess down here.....I thought you wanted everybody!
They all start playing the game...(except Dani) they make rules, kissing by the boys... just drinking for the girls when they lose.

10:40PM BBT
Amber: Eric knows how to word things so that you think he is telling both sides of an issue but he is really pushing one side. He has come to me 3 times really worried about this girl and her seeing me with Jess. Don't you think she (the gf) will be really upset. Jameka says why is he talking to you and not me. Amber says because he thinks I won't tell Jess. Jameka says see, he is trying to keep this from you. Amber says if I am gone there is a problem for you Jess, it will tell what Eric really is doing.

Jess and Jam tell Amber she has to get Dani's vote and she says she thinks she has it. Jameka saying how Jen told her a few weeks ago that Eric did not need to win a HoH because he has both sides covered. Jess is saying she shouldn't go home. Amber says she will die if she goes home.

Now talking about ED and Dani voting the same because Dani realizes ED has her back no matter what. Jameka is telling Jess she has to tell Eric that Amber cannot go home. Jameka offers to come up with what she could tell Eric to convince him. Now Amber saying if I go, Eric has sold you out and you will feel like I did when Dustin went out. Amber says if Eric knew you wanted to backdoor ED/Dani then he could have thrown the POV to me. Jess says she didn't tell Eric that she really wanted him to keep the nominations or that she was planning to backdoor Dick or Dani. Jameka says Eric knows he doesn't have both ED and Dani. They can't understand why he did what he did when the good people had the numbers. Amber says she knows Eric is gonna vote her out.

Now saying that Dani won't vote her way either, because she will do what ED says. Jameka says talk to Dani. Jess says you talk to Dani and I will talk to Eric. Amber repeating that Eric is playing the game thru you, and Jess says she is beginning to realize that.

Now, Amber says Jen is NOT a liar although Eric wanted Amber to tell Jess that Jen WAS a liar because of the gf thingy. Repeating that Eric is playing her. Amber says that she has visions of Jess's parents wanting to warn her of Eric making deals behind her back and that Eric is playing her. She can see it. Perhaps he even told Jess that we will backdoor Dick and Dani then didn't follow thru. She knows this becaus this was the same manipulation she used on her BF for 3 yrs. Her BF was afraid to take her back because he said she was a master manipulator. Eric flirts with her to make Jess think he is really into her but it is part of his game.

10:50PM BBT
Zach comes up to HOH for a second time. The girls realize they are playing that game and that is why he is coming up so often. Jess says it to the room and everyone laughs. They were talking about how confident Zach is and that he will throw stuff. ED and Eric like the way each other thinks. Jameka says the women are the targets. Jameka told Jess she should tell Eric that the relationship is over if he doesn't see things her way and keep Amber instead of Zach.

Jameka says ED and Eric want to be F2. Jess says Eric said he didn't want to be beside Zach at the F2, Amber says he told me he did want to be with Zach Now Amber saying Eric called Jess a F'ing whore and a POS. That they were buzzed. Jess is shocked. Jameka "Do you see things more clearly now?" Jess says yes, basically that she knew all they told her but they have confirmed what she has been thinking.

All HGs are downstairs now Dani is in her bed. Jameka comes in and asks her to come out and play and Dani says no thank you, and refuses Jameka's offer to get her anything. Dani using that little girl voice.

Amber pulls Jessica out into the BY and tells her to lie to Eric about their conversation in HOH. She tells Jess to tell Eric that Amber wouldn't shut up about her bf and to act annoyed with her.

11:30PM BBT
Amber is planning to get rid of Eric next week.

The quarters game continues - rules now include guys kissing guys and girls kissing girls.

During quarters breaks, Dick goes to the BY and kicks around an empty 2 liter bottle...and keeps getting yelled at by BB. Finally gets called to DR

The girls go to the work out room to plan new quarters rules during the breaks.

1:15AM BBT
Game is finally over because they are out of beer. The girls are upset that the guys drank most of the beer.

1:20AM BBT
Zach told Dick that next week they need to backdoor Eric. Dick agreed. Zach tells him he doesn't need to win, just get 2nd for the cash he needs. He'd like to be in the final two with Dick or Dani. Dick says unless he hears that Zach has offered him up... he will vote Amber out.

1:35AM BBT
Eric called to DR. Dick asks Jess if she's kissed Eric yet. She says no.

1:50AM BBT
Amber is asking Dani for her vote. She can't go to Dick or Eric for their vote and said that she is the only one she can come to and ask for a vote. Amber says she truly cares for Daniele. And would never put her up. Amber is at least making Dani feel better....Dani is hard to get to smile.....talkin' about their dogs.

Eric out of DR, and up in HOH with Jessica talking about what Zach told her about not sleeping up with her last night. Eric can't believe Zach is worrying about why Eric didn't sleep with her last night.

Eric says he really does care about her, and reaffirms he doesn't want to hurt Jess ever, and can't wait to be out of the house. He tells Jess she's the 1st girl he's kissed in like 5 yrs....and that's how much she means to him. He doesn't go around kissing just any girl. Tells her it's a big deal to him & changes his life. Jess is glad he told her all that.

2:10AM BBT
Jessica telling Eric about Jam and Amber talk. Jessica bringing up the deal Eric might have with ED. Saying ED told Amber all debts were paid and all deals are off. Eric saying he's lying to Amber.

2:20AM BBT
Jameka bashes the Power of Ten show. Jameka tells Eric and Jess that Power of Ten can cheat. They can change the answer after you locked in your answer. Jess thinks D&D will turn on her but she is safe with A&Z. Eric is telling her that she is wrong.

Eric, Dani and Jameka discuss Daniele's reaction to Nick being her surprise guest on Power of 10, her birthday card and her relationship with Kris being over. Then wonder why Amber's boyfriend wasn't flown in for the show.

2:30AM BBT
Zach mentions Dick fell into pool....then left. Eventually Dick comes in and says, "Yes, I fell in the pool." Wonders if the cameras got it. Dick's boots are ruined-they're so wet. Awkward moment with all 4 of them together. Fake laughing. Eric scaring Jam and ED earlier in the week by hiding around the corner. ED in big brown bathrobe. Zach enters again....Dick asks if Eric is under the blanket waiting for a lick. They continue about D's dip in pool.

Jess/Eric whispering while others are talking-ignoring the other 3 in room. Jam ready for bed..leaves. Discuss who's been to DR. Dick says he was drunk when he fell in pool. Talk about men-kissing & they hope BB doesn't ask any of them questions about it. "Jess go to DR."

2:45AM BBT
Up in HOH, they start making fun of Amber on Power of Ten. Making fun of her crying on the show and not knowing what the word scrutinize meant. Ed says if she won 100K he would have punched Amber in the face. He would have got up and hit her right in the face if she won 100K. Jessica returns from DR session.

Jess asks Dick if he's going to win HOH, he says yes and Dani says she wants it too for the 3rd week. ED wants to put her in her place. He's laughing. He also says Zach expects to win too. Jess says "If he's here" She isn't laughing. ED changes subjects.

3:10AM BBT
Eric and Jess are finally alone again in the HOH. Eric trying to find out what talk was about. Jess just saying about deals. And how she wants Amber to stay. Eric still trying to make Jess see Amber doesn't like her. Jess says Zach is gonna put her up. Eric trying to placate her saying Zach still likes her and won't put her up. Eric still knows there was more to Amber's talk with Jess.

3:25AM BBT
Eric is angry now, he said why the F would I vote to keep Amber.. then another F bomb. He told Jess he was angry and she is trying to get him to promise not to go to Amber so she can tell him what Amber said. Its getting confusing but the point is that Eric is telling Jess what he says to Amber and she is telling him what Amber is implying.

3:30AM BBT
After Jess spilled everything, she said "There goes my case to keep Amber". Eric - "That F'n B**ch. Good person my a$$." He's really pissed that Amber tried to turn Jess against him.

3:55AM BBT
Jess and Eric are mad at each other. Eric said she doesn't defend him and she is making backup final 3's. Jess got mad he said that. He's backtracking that he didn't mean it that way. Eric kissing Jess' butt. Explaining why he's mad at Amber again. More back and forth.

Eric trying to reassure Jess that he wants her, not his g/f on the outside. Its gonna take a few conversations on the outside to clear up. Jess says yes she knows. Eric says I dont know what else I can say or do, I do not want you to have any doubts. Jess seems very receptive and comforted by the talk. Eric seems to be doubting whether Jess' feelings are real or part of the game.

4:15AM BBT
Eric hints at AP to Jess. Eric saying she'll be mad at him for something in all 36 episodes. Jess wants to know now. Eric just says she'll know before she even sees the shows. Jess knows Eric is hinting at something. He says he didn't mean anything in particular by it.

4:20AM BBT
Daniele is sitting in the kitchen looking bored.... Eric/Jessica are laying in bed talking and making up and Eric is stroking her hair.

4:40AM BBT
Daniele is making breakfast in the kitchen - Eric/Jess are still chatting/cuddling.

4:55AM BBT
Eric tells Dani that he wants Amber out. Says its not even strategic its personal. They are comparing convos. Dani seems very receptive to voting Amber out. Both bringing up the "good people" line. Talking about how Amber thinks everyone likes her so much they dont wanna be in F2 with her. They laugh and are totally bashing amber.

5:10AM BBT
Eric is back up in HOH. Jess is listening to music. He asks if she wants to know about his conversation with Dani. Of course Jess does. Eric telling Jess that Amber offered Dick a deal, that she wanted to go with Dick and Dani. Eric says she doesn't deserve to be here. Eric feels even better about the LJCs.

Amber is awake and up in the kitchen talking to Dani. Eric locks the HOH door...doesn't want her coming up there at 5AM.

5:30AM BBT
Dani made snickerdoodles this morning and she and Amber are talking about Nick and Dani and their relationship in the house. She is very happy talking about Nick and their feelings for each other. She thinks for sure her boyfriend has broken up with her. She will call her friend Lindsay when she gets out of the house to find out. She says Lindsay will like Nick. She says her boyfriend is not her type. Her type is like Nick.

5:45AM BBT
Eric says to Jess "You make me happy." Jess says "all the time?" Eric says no. Jess giggles. They are kissing....lots

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