Dani is telling Amber about another guy she had a crush on that she use to work with. She quit her job to avoid starting anything up. Before she came on show her and boyfriend were fighting a lot over stupid things mostly.
Eric and Jess still kissing......
6:15AM BBT
Dani lived with her grandmother since she was 11 months old and she is very close to her. She would not want to move out of the area right now because her grandmother has had 2 liver transplants and she wants to be there for her.
Eric and Jess talking now about his nipple rings and how Jess likes them because they are different. Jess says that she never knew anyone who had them before except her friend Stasha and she says no. Eric then says "not even changing for a game" and Jess says that "its not like we walk around with our boobs flopping out although some girls do but I don't".
6:30AM BBT
Eric saying that this is what he learned in the big brother house...
1. Trying to gain votes in the big brother house while trying to pathetically trying to seduce adult males is bad.
2. When in an alliance with the microwave, fridge ...make sure you don't forget the bathroom towels (forgot half of what he said on this one but that was the jist)
3. When casually spying on people, just bring a handful of nuts in the bathroom.
4. When cutting your hair, don't let dustin do it
5. Flatter people with glitter and stickers
6. Even when you say im sorry to the first four people you can say congratulations Kail, you are on slop.
7. Making people raise their hands, parading around in a cape and crown, accepting prizes in veto will not get you far in the house.
8. It is never a good idea to light yourself on fire.
9. "how sad"
6:40AM BBT
ERIC ADMITS THE ODD VOTES AND MUSTARD TO JESSICA!!!! And Jess says she knew all along and laughs loudly. Then he goes "Do you hate me?" and Jess says NO. He says there's a perfectly good explanation and she says "will you tell me?" and then FOTH.
7:45AM BBT
Jess telling Eric one of her most embarassing moments...She interned at a radio station working in an office and she accidentally sang Tim McGraw's "Live like you were dying" over the intercom system thru the whole building before she realized it was on.
Eric telling Jess his embarassing moment...When he was 21 a senior in college he farted in public somewhere in Boston called the T and it smelled really bad so he was afraid he soiled his pants. So he had to go up to his apartment while his ex was sleeping and took a shower and changed his underpants. Then, in fear of his girlfriend finding the yucky underpants, he put them in his pocket and left the apartment to throw them out in the city somewhere. While he was in the city, he ran into a friend that said nice underwear and they laugh.
Eric telling Jess how he met all of his friends...goes through his list of friends saying how he met them (theatre, elementary school) naming names... (no FOTH). Then Eric starts asking her what is her ideal "fun" date. She tells him what bars she goes to at home. She only goes to clubs after hockey games. He asks her if there will ever be a situation where just the 2 of them go to a bar. She says yes.
8:10AM BBT
Jess telling Eric she takes a shot or drinks a couple of beers pre game then afterward drinks some more. That her and her friend LOVE tequila. Before she came here she could drink 12 beers and be good. She says she can put away a lot of beer because she's only 21. Eric is amazed how much she can drink. Eric said that he probably drinks every other weekend and Jess says "oh geez"
8:25AM BBT
Eric: "can you believe this conversation will be on tv? or maybe they'll just overlook it again"
8:40AM BBT
Dick got up, went and got a drink from the kitchen. He crawls back in bed and says his blanket stinks.
8:50AM BBT
Dick gets back up and he mumbles something about lawyers (I think) and heads to the backyard for a cigarette and a marathon coughing session.
Dick back in bed.
9:31AM BBT
Everyone sleeping
9:35AM BBT
Still laughing to himself, Dick crawls out of bed and heads for the kitchen--Puts shades on, stretches and heads to BY to smoke, hocks up a loogie on the way (Ewwwwwwww!).
9:45AM BBT
Dick now laughing to himself again about him falling into the pool last nite, and the golf club still there, says that really was funny.
9:58AM BBT
Dick back in bed again.
11:20AM BBT
Zach is up and in the shower
Jess and Eric are in the HOH Bed talking
Dick got up, changed his batteries and got back in bed
Amber got up and went to the SR
6:29 p.m.
BB has provided a feast for the mates.
Lobster tails, steak, fries, fried cheese appetizers, salads with various dressings, cheesecake and chocolate cake....
One of each for each
Everyone is eating right now, nice 'family dinner'.
They are on lockdown until midnight. Jam said six hours is a long time for 'spraying'... she thinks it's to build something.
Daniele and Amber compared jobs waitressing.
Eric, Dick and Zach talked about how poorly the guys did at the comps compared to the girls.
Jess slept in HOH room. Jameka cleaned the refrigerator, stovetop, counter, etc. and then went up to the HOH room and continued her undermining Eric and Jess' relationship talking about his dishonesty, etc.
That was the gist of the entire afternoon. The slept in rather late because they were up most of the night drinking and playing games.... They were so drunk that Eric told Jess that he was responsible for the phantom votes (she's going to call him PV) and the mustard, but nothing else. (Hope he got the OK for that lol) He didn't spill about America's Player although he alluded to her knowing everything when the game was over.
Zach just buzzed Eric's hair in the HOH bathroom. Jessica was the audience.
Dick woke up, sat at the kitchen counter, commented on how quiet it was and announced to no one that he had to pooh.
10 pm
Dick says the watchers are Googling everything he says and the say "G Damn Hes right", saying Zach is the genuis
Dick knows the audience is bored tonight! He is spinning a plastic cup on the counter
Talking about Cheers and who they would be at the bar. Dick says hes Sam Malon.
Zach: that means youre hooking up with Kirstie Alley
Dick: Yeah before she got that 50 pound a**
Dani goes into bedroom and tells Jameka and Amber she's trying to make cookies and the two most annoying people in the house are gathered around her talking and she wants to kill herself.
Amber says, "Did you hear what Zach said to me?" Dani says yes...Amber goes on talking about it more. Dani says, "That's Zach."
Dani takes out her cookies and says they look gross. Dick asks her if she put fork marks in em
She says "nope!"
He has a scowl on his face.
Amber says to Jameka, "Remember when I told you about my vision? Maybe that's what's going on outside, maybe I'm going to win something." Jameka, "hmmm."
Dick: I think she needs a penalty nomination(Jameka) for singing so much
Nick got a warning for singing so much. Dani immediately joins in the convo as soon as his name is mentioned.
He was always singing and dancing.
Dick and Zach are gonna have a spin off with their plastic cups.
10:20PM BBT
Jam helping Amber work out. Giving her instructions and encouraging words while she is on the treadmill. Amber is already hurting.
10:35PM BBT
Eric and Jess are facing each other and cuddling while they sleep with the lights on.
Jam and Amber still working out. Amber saying she has a horrible memory from all the drugs she's done. They are trying to study up for HOH comp.
Dick says there is only 1 more hour until they can go outside. He wants a cigarette. Dani, Eric, and Zack are speculating what is going on outside. Dani really want's it to be a double eviction week. She hopes there is some kind of comp tonight. Eric doubts it because they will not have enough time to edit it for tomorrow night.
11:30PM BBT
FOTH for a few minutes.
Jameka is watching Amber pack. Dani and Eric are watching Zach pack.
12:10AM BBT
The lockdown is over..it took 6 hours. Dani says "That's it?"
Amber and Jameka packing Amber's bag..Jameka can't fit anything else in. They are rolling and stuffing but it wont budge.
Jess is still in HOH sleeping. Dani offers Zach some ice cream.
12:20AM BBT
Lovely chat about Eric pooping a lot. Dani Zach Dick and Eric in kitchen. Eric is gonna eat again..they can't believe it considering they just ate that huge dinner. Dick still so full.
Amber can't believe she fit all of the clothes in her bag..but then remembers how many clothes they gave her in the competetion. Speculation on what the HOH is tomorrow after seeing the backyard. Eric knows a lot of the comps from last season. Zach wants a clam eating contest
Still wondering why they played the meow music. Was it a joke? Dick wants to know why they played Joy to the World in the middle of it. Did they do it just to annoy them?
12:40AM BBT
As Dani goes into DR, Eric says feel free to tell them (DR) that I have nothing to say.
All 4 feeds on the girls packing. Zach comes in and asks them: It's 12:30..Can we turn out the lights in maybe an hour? They agree. He leaves. Amber has 2 or 3 bags of stuff packed. Amber has Dustin's bear and doesn't want to stuff him in the bag..she feels bad. Amber comments that she's made many mistakes in the game. Amber tells Jameka that she was such a mess in her hotel room..they rushed her..she wasn't even ready. She stuffs a red blanket on top of her bag and ties it in with the straps. She and Jameka haul her bags to the storage room.
Eric offers 55 cents to anyone who will go outside and lift up the tarp.
Dani eating more munchies..she's bored! Quiet. Danielle: meow! meow!
1:35AM BBT
Dick told Daniele that Zach told him he wants to backdoor Eric. Daniele said Zach told her he wants Jess out. Daniele pointed out how the stories don't match and she said it doesn't make sense for Zach to tell Dick he wants to backdoor Eric when everyone can play in POV starting next week. (neither acted upset but Daniele did seem annoyed) A few minutes later Zach came out of the DR and asked to talk to Dick tomorrow (about the vote), then went to Dani and said the same thing.
Eric confirms with Dick that 'they' are voting out Amber tomorrow. He says yes. They talk about beating Zach in HOH tomorrow. Saying they have to eliminate him first. (whispering very low) They are comparing Zach stories, what he's offered both of them. (Putting the other pair up) They laugh. They both sound confident of beating out Zach tomorrow in HOH. More Zach and Amber bashing on how horrible their game play is and how they don't know how to campaign and talk to people.
They hear Jameka coming, she doesn't say anything to them but goes outside. Dick wonders why she is so concerned about tomorrow's HOH when she can't even compete in it.
2:35AM BBT
Eric and Dick agree this has been a pretty stressless boring week, compared to some of the past weeks in the house. They talk about next week probably being boring too. But the following week will be crutial to get to the final four. Veto is everything that week. ED jokes that they should tell the girls that you have both had HOH twice, ED has had HOH once, so throw the HOH to Eric once Zach is eliminated tomorrow. Eric says he'd take that deal. ED talks about 'them' working the game. Eric says, the two hottest girls and the two biggest dickheads pretty much ran the entire game. ED goes outside to smoke while Eric goes to the bathroom.
3:15AM BBT
Dani at the kitchen table, Eric possibly in the DR, everyone else asleep.
3:35AM BBT
Dani in bed, Eric out of DR and in kitchen studying the room, Dick outside smoking.
Dick is downstairs decorating the grass statues with gloves, hats and eyes made from oranges.
4:40AM BBT
Eric Jess and Dick up in HoH discussing Zach hiding a plate and teacup in his suitcase. Eric telling Jess & Dick how Zach wanted to steal a picture off the bedroom wall and the dolphin faucet from the bathroom. Everyone laughing hysterically at it.
Eric brushing his teeth in the HOH-BR, now they are laughing and talking about various BB8 HG's. Laughing at comments and actions made by them. Dick hating the start of Thursday's eviction ceremony. Various chit chat. Dick says goodnight and heads out of HOH.
Eric and Jess chatting and talking about Dick with the rabbit by the door.
4:45AM BBT
Eric and Jess discuss Amber going.
Dick is talking to himself and smoking. Hates more f*&^ questions. Not looking forward to it.
5:15AM BBT
Dick is asleep
5:30AM BBT
Jess and Eric chatting about clothes and how Jess's Aladdin pants aren't even hers. Chatting about hoodies and how Jess better give his clothes back if she borrows them. Eric was upset he wasn't able to bring Jets or Yankees clothes with him. Also, he didn't know he could bring college stuff and would have if he had known he could.
5:45AM BBT
Eric and Jess discuss Eric's move to Kansas. Seems like Jess doesn't really think he's moving to Kansas. Eric asks her what if he really did move there and how would she feel. Jess says she would like it if he did.
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