All are sleeping.
6:50AM BBT
Dick is sleeping, but restless and talking/mumbling in his sleep.
8:25AM BBT
Zach is up, went to the bathroom and is wandering through the house. Goes back to the big bedroom and lays back down
8:50AM BBT
Dani is tossing in bed...looks like she's not sleeping too well.
9:45AM BBT
All sleeping
10:15AM BBT
Dick stretches, rolls over and goes back to sleep.
10:53AM BBT
11:20AM BBT
Dick up and in the bathroom.
11:25AM BBT
Zach up and in the bathroom.
11:30AM BBT
Dick - I hate roommates.
Dick is eating cereal. He has been grumbling, sneezing and sniffing quite a bit this morning.
11:45AM BBT
Dick back in bed. He is in a lot of pain. Also sniffling and sneezing. Comments that he's still effing cold.
12:30PM BBT
Dick's whole body still hurts.
12:35PM BBT
Dick - WTF Are you kidding me? Give me a break with the stairs, man. He's up walking around gently and mumbling to himself. Can't sleep because of the noise. (Comp prep, maybe?)
12:40PM BBT
Zach is now awake and sitting up in bed.
12:45PM BBT
Zach is in the shower
Dick is playing cards in bed, complaining about the noise and how "they" woke him up twice.
1:05PM BBT
Zach out of the shower, gets dressed, went into the storage room and now is getting a drink in the kitchen. Dick is laying in bed shuffling the cards.
1:15PM BBT
Lights on in Dick's room and he is stirring.
Daniele's is dark.
Zach eating soup (?) brunch
1:50PM BBT
Back and all are getting up for the day
2:10PM BBT
Dick runs down a list of all body parts that hurt...I think about all he missed was his head, stomach and umm...boy parts. Says Advil and BenGay will fix him right up.
Zach is getting dressed
Dani in storage room
2:15PM BBT
ED talking with Dani about how he thinks the whole game is "Unfair" and he is rattling off all the things he thinks were wrong. He says, "F ing camera. Come on, the show is over now."
2:20PM BBT
Zach trying to jump into conversation as Dani talks about what kind of game they are going to play next. Zach says, "Maybe you guys will win a car today." Dani says "yah."
Dani says "I'm not stressed." ED says, Yah, we already won. Just do the best that you can."
ED complains about the lockdown AGAIN!"
2:25PM BBT
Zach called to DR
Dick and Dani now complaining about Zach, saying they're sick of him. Dick calls him an as* kisser. Dani says there's no point now so why is he doing it? Dick says maybe he wants one of our votes. Dani, "Yeah, I'm sure."
Dani says she was told that the wrap party is going to be "here." She doesn't know if she was lied to. (She's referring to her DR session again.) Dick says he doesn't want it to be anywhere else. Dani asks why. He says because it needs to be here with lots of security. Dani says, "Oh my god." He says he's not kidding about that. Dani says, "I know, that's the sad part."
2:30PM BBT
All feeds on Dani doing her make up plucking her eyebrows and French braiding her hair.
Switch to Dani doing her hair, Dick eating and Zach is in the DR
2:50PM BBT
Dick comes in the bathroom and tells Dani her hair looks really cute.
Dani complains about the cameras constantly following her. Dick says Carol used to complain non stop while on the block about the cameras following her. Dani jokingly says Who's Carol?
2:55PM BBT
After shaving her arm pits, Dani puts a yellow bandana in her hair and goes to the kitchen.
Dick is hanging out alone in the bathroom on the couch.
Zach ??? DR still ???
Dick slowly walks into the kitchen. Says he plans on complaining about the blue ball all day in the Diary Room. I am so pissed off about that. I felt like I let you down last night. Dani said, "What about me?" Also said she felt bad for letting him down, getting out of the comp so early and mentioned how he hung in there nearly three times as long as she did.
3:20PM BBT
Dick gets called to DR
3:40PM BBT
All cameras still (for over 20 minutes now) on Dani sitting in the kitchen with her arms crossed. She keeps looking over and giving the camera a dirty look.
Zach is in the kitchen eating. Offered Dani half of the food. She said no thanks.
Dani - Great. Now I'm going to get called into the DR
Zach (quietly) - Sorry
FOTH for a moment
4:05PM BBT
Zach cleaning the kitchen and ED is now out of Diary room yelling and cussing at the camera.
ED pissed off about the blue ball (Jameka's lost POV), telling them they needed to fix it, "You have so many F ing camera's you guys are a bunch of F ing Retards."
4:08PM BBT
All cams on Zach cleaning the kitchen. He just walked into the storage room and is in his room alone now.
4:10PM BBT
Zach sitting on his bed with his coat on. He has his hands folded and is looking down - praying ??? Zach now getting out all his letters and things from family looking at them then putting them back in his bag.
4:30PM BBT
All feeds still on laying on his bed holding his seashell.
Dani comes in and asks what he's doing. His answer - Just whatever, you know.
5:42 p.m. BBT
Daniele sitting on the nominee couch, waiting and waiting for the competition to begin. Dick stopped in for a second but continued on his way. Zach was in a bed just contemplating his navel or whatever LOL
All four cams on Daniele who just entered the kitchen... she's now sitting on the floor, against a wall, stretching her legs and back.
5:35PM BBT
Dick and Dani talking about info they got from DR. They said the jury questions will be via satellite on Saturday. Dani says they are going to tell them what to wear in today's competition.
5:50PM BBT
Kaysar and Howie are on Feed 4 in advance of the RealPlayer chat at 6PM BBT
5:55PM BBT
Dani & Dick discussing Dick's sister. How she's got tweaker friends and that she met her 2nd husband in jail. Dick's sister's only friend died of AIDS. Dick asking Dani if she knew that his sister "tried to kill his father by injecting something into his IV and putting him into a coma". Dani: "No. and I don't wanna know about it"
FOTH, except for the interview with Kaysar and Howie on Feed4.
6:20PM BBT
FOTH changes to TRIVIA on Feeds 1, 2, and 3. Could it be comp time?
Still watching TRIVIA
8:40 BBT
Feeds are back:
Dick has won the 2nd part of HOH.
He is telling Dani he will win it for her. That it will be Him & her in the final 2.
She is ready to go home. They also didn't get a car! Dick said no cars since season 3. "what's up with that"???
They are going to get their suitcases out of storage.
1:50PM BBT
Back and all are getting up for the day
2:10PM BBT
Dick runs down a list of all body parts that hurt...I think about all he missed was his head, stomach and umm...boy parts. Says Advil and BenGay will fix him right up.
Zach is getting dressed
Dani in storage room
2:15PM BBT
ED talking with Dani about how he thinks the whole game is "Unfair" and he is rattling off all the things he thinks were wrong. He says, "F ing camera. Come on, the show is over now."
2:20PM BBT
Zach trying to jump into conversation as Dani talks about what kind of game they are going to play next. Zach says, "Maybe you guys will win a car today." Dani says "yah."
Dani says "I'm not stressed." ED says, Yah, we already won. Just do the best that you can."
ED complains about the lockdown AGAIN!"
2:25PM BBT
Zach called to DR
Dick and Dani now complaining about Zach, saying they're sick of him. Dick calls him an as* kisser. Dani says there's no point now so why is he doing it? Dick says maybe he wants one of our votes. Dani, "Yeah, I'm sure."
Dani says she was told that the wrap party is going to be "here." She doesn't know if she was lied to. (She's referring to her DR session again.) Dick says he doesn't want it to be anywhere else. Dani asks why. He says because it needs to be here with lots of security. Dani says, "Oh my god." He says he's not kidding about that. Dani says, "I know, that's the sad part."
2:30PM BBT
All feeds on Dani doing her make up plucking her eyebrows and French braiding her hair.
Switch to Dani doing her hair, Dick eating and Zach is in the DR
2:50PM BBT
Dick comes in the bathroom and tells Dani her hair looks really cute.
Dani complains about the cameras constantly following her. Dick says Carol used to complain non stop while on the block about the cameras following her. Dani jokingly says Who's Carol?
2:55PM BBT
After shaving her arm pits, Dani puts a yellow bandana in her hair and goes to the kitchen.
Dick is hanging out alone in the bathroom on the couch.
Zach ??? DR still ???
Dick slowly walks into the kitchen. Says he plans on complaining about the blue ball all day in the Diary Room. I am so pissed off about that. I felt like I let you down last night. Dani said, "What about me?" Also said she felt bad for letting him down, getting out of the comp so early and mentioned how he hung in there nearly three times as long as she did.
3:20PM BBT
Dick gets called to DR
3:40PM BBT
All cameras still (for over 20 minutes now) on Dani sitting in the kitchen with her arms crossed. She keeps looking over and giving the camera a dirty look.
Zach is in the kitchen eating. Offered Dani half of the food. She said no thanks.
Dani - Great. Now I'm going to get called into the DR
Zach (quietly) - Sorry
FOTH for a moment
4:05PM BBT
Zach cleaning the kitchen and ED is now out of Diary room yelling and cussing at the camera.
ED pissed off about the blue ball (Jameka's lost POV), telling them they needed to fix it, "You have so many F ing camera's you guys are a bunch of F ing Retards."
4:08PM BBT
All cams on Zach cleaning the kitchen. He just walked into the storage room and is in his room alone now.
4:10PM BBT
Zach sitting on his bed with his coat on. He has his hands folded and is looking down - praying ??? Zach now getting out all his letters and things from family looking at them then putting them back in his bag.
4:30PM BBT
All feeds still on laying on his bed holding his seashell.
Dani comes in and asks what he's doing. His answer - Just whatever, you know.
5:42 p.m. BBT
Daniele sitting on the nominee couch, waiting and waiting for the competition to begin. Dick stopped in for a second but continued on his way. Zach was in a bed just contemplating his navel or whatever LOL
All four cams on Daniele who just entered the kitchen... she's now sitting on the floor, against a wall, stretching her legs and back.
5:35PM BBT
Dick and Dani talking about info they got from DR. They said the jury questions will be via satellite on Saturday. Dani says they are going to tell them what to wear in today's competition.
5:50PM BBT
Kaysar and Howie are on Feed 4 in advance of the RealPlayer chat at 6PM BBT
5:55PM BBT
Dani & Dick discussing Dick's sister. How she's got tweaker friends and that she met her 2nd husband in jail. Dick's sister's only friend died of AIDS. Dick asking Dani if she knew that his sister "tried to kill his father by injecting something into his IV and putting him into a coma". Dani: "No. and I don't wanna know about it"
FOTH, except for the interview with Kaysar and Howie on Feed4.
6:20PM BBT
FOTH changes to TRIVIA on Feeds 1, 2, and 3. Could it be comp time?
Still watching TRIVIA
8:40 BBT
Feeds are back:
Dick has won the 2nd part of HOH.
He is telling Dani he will win it for her. That it will be Him & her in the final 2.
She is ready to go home. They also didn't get a car! Dick said no cars since season 3. "what's up with that"???
They are going to get their suitcases out of storage.
Dick rationalizing that Part 3 will be questions about what HGs said what. He says he knows way more about the other HGs than Zach does. He spent more time with them in LNC than Zach did. Dick is very confident about Part 3 and reassuring Dani he'll do it for them.
Dani very depressed about losing today.
Zach came in and said, "That lobster plate was really cool" ED says "That was me. Will you shut the door."
Zach gone, just Dani and ED in room not talking.
Dani still filing her nails.
Dick called to the DR
Zach is in the shower
Dani working on her nails
Zach asked Dani about the comp and she started to describe it, then FOTH
9:25PM BBT
Zach gets up from bed, gets his blanket and trying to settle into bed. He is rubbing his eyes. "Oh man. tired." Looks like he is going to try and sleep. The bed is so small he has to sleep with his legs bent.
9:35PM BBT
Dick asks Zach if they called Dani to the DR. He says no, she's in her room folding clothes.
Zach is eating in the kitchen.
9:40PM BBT
Dick and Dani start quizzing each other on various HGs personal lives - brothers and sisters, family life, jobs, etc.
Dani out of DR and back to packing for Thursday
Dick is doing laundry
Zach laying down
10:30PM BBT
Dani still quizzing Dick and packing. And whining about how much she hates packing.
She takes a break from packing to quiz Dick while he's cooking burgers. Questions include hair colors, hair styles, the biggest liar, tanning lotion, and other misc silly questions.
11:40PM BBT
Silly HG questions have been going this entire time. Now Dick mentions that they are finally putting the backyard back together after the comp.
12:50AM BBT
Quizzing continues - now we've moved on to colleges, first alliances, and pet peeves. Also HOH comp partners, questions Julie has asked.
1:20AM BBT
Now they are going over previous POV comps and ceremonies.
1:35AM BBT
D & D must be talking about todays veto; said they had to get something off the bottom of the pool. Dani said she couldn't get anything out because of the goggles.
1:50AM BBT
Dani wonders if she will get to watch Part 3 of the comp...trying to remember what Janelle was allowed to do.
ED cursing at the clothes washer, Dani folding clothes in the BBR in the dark and Dick at Nite begins....ED starts singing....I'mmmmmm gonna kick your ass! This competition Zach. has. no. effing. chance! I'm gonna do it, this time, I'm gonna do it, you're going home mf'er. Just because you kiss people's butts doesn't mean that you effin know them, or anything about them. ED rocks out for a few, belches loudly & looks around the back yard.
Meanwhile, it looks like Dani might have woken Zach when she cam in b/c he's rustling a bit in bed.
ED says he doesn't want to talk in the BBR to Dani because of FSA. Says he'll help her with laundry and packing so they move to the RR.
2:20AM BBT
D & D talked about how Zach was going off last night on the pedestal, about him "losing it" and trying to put down ED about his Spiderwoman tatoo; that it was bizarre & if the rules hadn't changed (they must have said no more trash talking) that they think Zach would have lost it (mentally, at least.) ED says at least Kail & Jen went at ED through Dani, something he cares about, where Zach tries to make fun of his tattoo. They're laughing.
Dick is outside smoking quietly.
Dani is in the kitchen getting ice cream.
Zach is in bed sleeping.
3:15AM BBT
Dani and Dick are talking about how hard the underwater competition was that Dick won last night. Dani said she cannot hold her breath for long periods of time so she had to keep coming up for air.
3:30AM BBT
Dick and Dani have moved inside to the kitchen table and are playing cards. They are talking and laughing and having a good time.
Dick and Dani continue to play cards. The conversation is all 'small talk' and bashing past HGs, no serious Q&A like earlier this morning.
5:30AM BBT
Dick in the backyard smoking, says "Huge day- biggest day of them all".
Dani in bathroom washing up.
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