Dick and Dani continue to play cards at the kitchen table. Slamming the various HGs about various things. Dick is focused on Zach and discussing how he is gonna talk about his penis in his speech. "When you were streaking, you said it was cold - you said you had been drinking- you said it was shrinkage. If it was any colder or you had any more beer it would be an 'inny' instead of an 'outy'"
6:20AM BBT
Dani talks about when Eric had diarrhea and went to the bathroom like 12 times in a day. They both laugh.
Dani complaining about how the fridge reeks. ED asks what is is, Dani says the tuna. Dani says she is hungry - starting to fix some eggs. Asks ED to get some swiss cheese. Both of them working on a meal and bashing former HGs. Dani says ED would be surprised at all the things people have told her. Adding ham to the omelet now. Dick is gonna put avacado in his too.
Dani asked the DR about the Jets score- they didn't know, but she mentioned that she is keeping an eye out for her dad. Dani says this is ridiculous that it is 6:30 in the morning and she is making breakfast. ED thinks he will have another tuna melt before the comp and he 'will gas him out'
6:30AM BBT
Feeds back...still making food.
ED 'What has Amber ever done besides cry'.
Talking about how this is season 1 for the next All-Stars.
Dani thinks Eric is a weirdo.
ED wonders if Howie was picked by production or the fans, Dani doesn't know.
Breakfast is done, ED is getting milk. Back to table and eating - looks like she made an egg/swiss cheese/ham melt. Dani wants to run up to Z's room and go in and say 'It's time for the veto competition.' ED says he would really be scrambling- they both laugh.
Dani says she has a feeling that D/D will have to be sat down and be lectured by Dick's mom. Talking about what she would lecture them about and laughing. ED talking about how his mom will want to get Pastor Phillips and her in a room together with ED. FOTH.
6:35AM BBT
Feeds back. Breakfast is over, now playing cards again.
Dani: 'I won't even know what the world looks like, I won't even be able to pump gas. We'll leave and be all retarded and stuff.'
Dick won the game of WAR against Daniele. Double WAR just about cleaned her out of cards. Dick decreed the winner. He went off to bed. Daniele washed dishes and went to bed.
Everyone is sleeping.
10:40AM BBT
Lights are out and all are sleeping.
10:50AM BBT
Jameka is up and changing her batteries in the storage room
BBVoice - Good Morning HGs...it's time to get up for the day. Music playing
11:35AM BBT
Appears to be an HOH lockdown with all feeds on HOH.
Jameka at bathroom mirror
Zach in chair, not speaking
Appears Dick is in bed sleeping with his brown blanket
Dani is covered up on the floor under the spy screen sleeping
Dani is on the floor with her pillow and blanket.
Jameka and Zach on chairs, facing opposite directions.
Dick in bed.
Nobody is talking and nothing has changed from 20 mins ago.
12:30PM BBT
Jameka and Zach are having a conversation about children and how they worry that some video games, and the WWE and some things on T.V. can hurt them. Jameka sharing some stories from teaching.
Dick and Dani are still sleeping.
12:40PM BBT
Zach is going through his resume VERY SLOWLY and with GREAT detail for Jameka.... Jameka is yawning.
12:50PM BBT
Jameka sharing how she hates that she still gets carded when she shops. Zach says, "I know I'm getting old because they don't card me anymore."
1:05PM BBT
Jameka talks about when she got her key before the show started. Talks about her family and nieces. Will have another one or one on the way when she gets home. Cannot wait. Wants to go to her niece's school and make sure she is okay. Doesn't see herself taking more than a week or two off. Bills will have to be paid and she doesn't know how the stipend will work. (maybe how long it will take to receive it) She just knows she needs to get back. Zach says they said you get it at the wrap party. Jameka would think so...she hopes so.
Now about the different HGs and whether they will all show up at the wrap party. Zach doesn't remember much about Carol. Thinks Nick lost a lot of weight in here.
1:30PM BBT
FOTH back and forth a couple of times and now it looks like HOH lockdown is over.
Daniele carries her comforter back to her room, pulls off her shoes and spreads comforter on her bed and climbs back in to continue sleeping. Dick heads into downstairs bathroom. Jameka puts some of her things away into bathroom drawer downstairs and heads out of camera vision.
2 cams stay on Daniele and the other 2 follow Dick as he comes out of bathroom and heads into his room and climbs back into bed, pulling a small pillow over his face to block out the lights.
1:40PM BBT
Dani up and in the bathroom...then back to bed.
1:50PM BBT
Zach sitting at kitchen island eating something as Dani passed through, but she wasn't wearing a mic...don't think they spoke, not sure as cam was moving all around.
Back to 2 cams on the sleeping Dick and 2 cams on Dani buried beneath light colored comforter in her bed again. Dick has turned over a few times and seems to moan as he does. Heard the loud teeth grinding that he is prone to so believe he was sleeping for sure.
Dani out of bed again
2:15PM BBT
Daniele going into Dick's bedroom now. Laughing and talking about something BB must have just said to them.....says Rich said and for those of you who DON'T want to pack...he says well, I need all of you to pack your bags.....before she finishes sentence we get FOTH.
Feeds are back and all on Dani and Dick who are talking about how annoying it was up in the HOH room while he (Zach) was blabbing. Dani making fun of how Jameka was asking Zach what he was going to wear to the wrap party. Dick says they are so desperate for conversation. Dick says Zach is going to wear a Dolphin Crash tshirt....says something about a jacket he brought here to wear. Imitates Zach laughing. Dani saying who CARES what he wears.
Dick says Zach has just turned into such a little b**ch all of a sudden. Dani makes a blechh sound.
Back and Dani relating how he asked her, so Dani are you going to use the Veto? She laughs and says what? I can't believe you're asking me this. Dick laughing. She says no I'm not prepared, I haven't decided. See me after the show. Laughs. Dick says so that means I CAN'T deliver the speech I had prepared. Dani says oh, you mean because of the live show? Just shorten it up to the main points. Dick says the opening line is still the same.... "from perverted comments like I want to munch Jessica's panties to racist comments like thanks Eric, that was very white of you" and makes some hand gestures with both hands and says something else I miss.
Daniele laughing and delighting in their conversation. She says the only thing that sucks is that the jury won't get to hear it. Says they told her in the DR that the only part that the jury gets to hear is when they call out the vote numbers just prior to eviction...as by a vote of whatever, you are evicted. Says they will find out for sure during rehearsals. Says they told her casual clothes and comfortable shoes for (competition?)
7:35PM BBT
Feeds are back..all three are still on the carrot tops..rain has stopped..no one is talking!!
7:43PM BBT
All three are still on. It just rained again. Dani is shivering pretty bad. No one has said a word since feeds came back on!
8:10PM BBT
Al three still going strong!! The rain started back again ED "Come on, Bring it!!" That is about the only thing that has been said since the feeds have come back.
8:33PM BBT
All seem to still be going strong...Dani keeps shivering still and making noises, but she still looks determined. Still not much talking going on!
8:40PM BBT
Dani appears to be crying on the feeds...it has started raining again She now seems to be openly crying! Dani"I am so cold" She is now bawling but she is still participating!
They are all still on but the rain has come back and Dani is crying for the second time with the rain. Zack hasn't said a word the entire time!
Dick: Dani watch your back foot ok
She is shivering really bad and making some noises. Dick is trying to encourage her but she isn't saying a word, just making grunting and moaning noises. They are all still going!
9:05PM BBT
Dick is now yelling at Zach. Calling him a sexual pervert. Telling him he is a racist and sexist and that everyone is gonna hate him. Said everyone wanted him out of the house since week two cause he is a pervert. Zach is not saying a word. He keeps concentrating on the game. ED just keeps on, Tells Zach that everyone made fun of his small, well, ummmm!! It continues....Dani is shivering and isn't crying no more, she is laughing at ED!
9:15PM BBT
Dick has been on a rant for about 15 minutes now! He keeps going on and on and zack seems to be tuning him out. Zach isn't saying a word!! Dani is just jumping...she isn't crying anymore.
Dani is off the thing. Don't know if she fell off or was disqualified...Click here to watch the YouTube of the malfunctioning rabbit. ED is not doing his rant anymore for the time being. He told Dani she did good! Dani went inside and she is crying really hard on her way to the shower!!! She is getting in with it on hot...she is crying hysterically now!
9:50PM BBT
Now ED and Zach are going back and forth...the rabbit thing has stopped...Zack keeps laughing at ED and ED keeps yelling "all night, I can do this all night" Now ED is gettting upset cause Zach keeps laughing at him...they are going back and forth...Dani is still crying and saying ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
10:30PM BBT
ED is going to pee on himself now
Dani is back outside and ED says that it wasn't fair to her
The rabbit is still not moving...ED is peeing on himself now and the water just started. He is no longer yelling at Zach! The bunny seems to be officially dead!! They are just standing there!!
10:37PM BBT
Still no bunny
ED "OH you panty muncher I can go all night"
Zach "Oh I need all kinds of tattos to make myself look mean"
Now they are just yelling at the top of their lungs
Then we hear producer Mike O. say "Hey guys I just want to....then we get FOTH
Still on FOTH
11:05PM BBT
BBAD comes back finally with Zach and Dick still on the HOH comp but the rabbit still isn't moving...the rain is still falling...both are silent now! No yelling!!
11:15PM BBT
Still silent...neither is saying a word...ED is just standing there as the rain falls and for some reason Zack is running in place. No one is saying a word..Dani is sitting outside with a blanket wrapped around her not saying anything!
11:31PM BBT
They have been going for a little under 3 hours now!!! No one is saying a word. ED is shivering really bad! Zach is running in place and doesn't seemed as phased!
Dani: Remember when one of us doesn't pull through the other one always does"
Now she is making fun of Zach and he laughs at her..ED says nothing! ED is shivering really bad.
11:40PM BBT
Not much to update - Water has stopped after going for about 20 minutes. Dani kinda cheered ED on, but mostly silence. They are both just standing there now.
12:05AM BBT
Still going the both of them. Nothing is being said. They have now been up there for more then 5 hours... They both keep running in place and then stopping...
12:45AM BBT
They are both still going at it...it is almost constant water now!! ED actually told Zach good job and said he was serious about it...Zach said same to you and then called dibs on first shower...ED said "No way man that is why there is two of them"
At one point ED made an expression to Dani and she said no way you are still in this.
They are silent now and the rain has started up again! They have been going for over 6 hours now!!!!
1:10AM BBT
Still going at it. It looks like Dick is fading fast. He just mouthed to Dani that his legs are killing him, and he has an obvious grimace of pain on his face. Zach is still going strong.
Dick released his key.
Daniele walked him over to sit down and she placed a towel over his shoulders. Dick sat for a bit, then lit a butt. Daniele told him to put it out and get inside LOL She was nurturing. Made a glass of theraflu or something for both of the guys and then made grilled cheese and soup.
3:37AM BBT
And Daniele is telling Dick that they were only doing this part to 'smoke him out'... they will win two and three, with three being the most important part... the veto.
Dani is washing dishes. Zach is trying to sleep
4:20AM BBT
Dick finally emerges from diary room. He and Dani discuss the water torture of the competition. They both agree that the water was freezing cold.
4:30AM BBT
Dick asks for kiss from Dani. She says, "No. Hug."
Dick tells her he loves her so much and wants her to tell him she loves him too. Dani says Nope.
4:35AM BBT
Dani goes to bed.
Dick sits alone, feet propped up on table, mouth shut, contemplating something.Camera zooms in and out on his face.
4:40AM BBT
Dick gets up with great effort and goes to the bathroom. He emerges from bathroom, washes his hands, ambles back to bedroom, removes bathrobe, makes round bed, removes mike, turns off light and crashes.
5:15AM BBT
Dani comes out of the DR, goes to the bathroom and crawls in bed.
All are sleeping.
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