Elite Team

  • Admin/Moderators - JaneyDoll & Always Janey
  • Screen Cap Moderator - Daisyflower
  • Update Moderators - Bigtribe, koolaid2424 & momma

Saturday, September 1

Saturday...the 1st

7:20AM BBT
Daniele says her worst fear is to be next to Jam in the final two.
Dick: "Ok, let's say Eric goes this week."
Daniele: "Ok, before you say anything, that would be such a bold bold move for us to make.”
Daniele says that her and Dick are the deciding votes this week no matter what and she thinks Jameka will approach her and Dick this week for their votes. Daniele is considering scenarios of saving Jameka if she approaches them because then they could strike a deal with her. She also thinks that Jameka would be the one to keep because Jameka isn’t very good in competitions in general and can’t compete in the next HoH.

Daniele says she definitely doesn't want to be in final two with Jameka but final four wouldn't be so bad. Daniele hopes BB has "something" in store for them today; some activity or something to do. Dick feels that for the jury votes they should stick with their alliance of Eric/Jessica while Daniele is leaning more towards sending Jessica home. Dick tells her they have a few days to think about what is best for them.

Dick and Daniele discuss how bad Eric was in the competition tonight and he looked like he was crying during it. Daniele says Eric gets very angry about losing and that’s the one thing that scares her about Eric

7:35AM BBT
They can’t believe that they are still together they start talking about if it would've been better to get Zach out instead of Amber. Dick says if Amber had still been there he would've been HoH this week.

8:01am BBT
Daniele went to bed and Dick was up doing laundry for a while.

9:04am BBT
Dick goes to bed. All HG's sleeping.

Most of the day time feeds were missed, but it doesn't seem we actually missed much.

POV Comp...we know Janelle is the Guest Host!!!!

3:20AM BBT
Feeds back

BBR--Eric tells Jess that he's proud of her. He was talking to Dani, asking her if she was going to tie Janie's record of POV's won. Eric is telling her that he'll offer anyone anything to take Jess off the block. He asks Jess if she's ok and she says that she's not,that she's pissed. He says that he thought that it was really,really hard. She says that she doesn't care if it was hard or not.
Eric- you are going to be ok - I promise
Jess- ok- do you think they are gonna put you up?
Eric- they will vote Jameka out and I will go to the 3 of them and offer them anything I can
Jess says Zach doesn't have a say in it
Eric- well the 2 of them - I will offer them anything - any safety anything- are you ok?
Jess- no I'm not I'm pi**ed

3:25AM BBT
BBR--Eric tells her not to beat herself up, he's going to leave her alone, that she knows where to find him if she needs him. He leaves and cuts off the light.

Jameka- I feel like I can't do well at anything- I'm just so mad - I mean I just don't know I'm just so frustrated with the whole thing - Jameka saying that it depends on if they make Eric a deal - says she can see them trying to get Jessica out because of the "girlfriend" thing and that she can also see them going ahead and getting her out
Jessica saying that she could kill herself over not getting D or D out before - says she is almost sick to her stomach all the time
Jameka- this game can go either way
Jameka to Jess- I'm so sorry I'm so sorry -
Jameka- I don't know I don't know I don't know and then the fact that not only do we have Saturday but Monday. she says something about unless they are speeding it up -but she doubts that -because tonight was because of the "glare" says that is what they ( BB ) said
Jess- yeah
Jam- oh
Jess - only had one chance - I don't know that thing I'm so sick of it
Jess- I am too- it pi**es me off you know because of the nominations last week
Jam- well it depends on how much they influence Zach- it's gonna suck either way
Jess- I know
Jess- I want to take a shower but it's cold
Jam- it's not that bad- do you want me to boil some water for you
Jess - no
Jam- are you sure?
Jam- the waiting game
Jess- yeah
Jam- I just don't see anything happening at this point unless it's making deals that is the way he works- but I dunno

3:34AM BBT
BBR--From what I can get the comp was the morph thing. Jam was talking about Dustin's smile being up there twice.
Kit--Eric ,ED, Zach and Dani having wine at the counter.
BBR--Jam and Jess still talking. Jess has said that she feels sick to her stomach.
Jam- so they are guaranteed the final 5
Jess- can you believe it
Jam tells her that she is proud of her though- she did the best that she could at the time
Jess says she wishes Amber was still there -she wanted her to stay so bad
Jam- says that Eric made it clear to her that he felt threatened by her and how she wasn't complaining ( that she wasn't the one going )

~~Trivia ~~

Jess saying she doesn't want to go in the DR for a week
Jam saying that she was Bi**hing about going in there- and she just told herself that she had to get over it- be grateful for being here- just get out of the funk
Jess- how do you do it
Jam- reading , praying.
She tells her about how she just doesn't know what avenues she has opened up. Says Amber and I had this Joke - saying I'm ok I'm ok - for 5 minutes
Jam- and you have your moments where you are like F*** it - and then your moments where you are like I want to win
Jess - I know

Dick and Daniele in the BB gym
Daniele - dad, I need you to realize something- this veto is over- but Final 5 - 3 people need to go that's it - He gives her a hug - she hugs back
He pulls the shade down on the door -she says omg now you can't see if people are standing out there
Daniele- omg I'm so excited that I got to meet Janelle
Daniele- says Janelle said - looks like you are taking over for me and she said I'll do my best - I love her (Janelle)

3:42 am BBT
Kitchen--Dani talking about how pretty Janie is. She says that Janie kept telling her that she just loved her, Dani said that she told Janie that she loved her too. That Janie was amazing,won all these HoH's and POV's.

Bathroom--ED and Dani.
She's telling him that she really doesn't know.

WOR--She says that they're in the final 5, she's so excited. Dani's going on about Janie. Dani talks about how Janie hated Eric.(Janie must have been mean to Eric) She goes on about how many times that Janie told her that she loved Dani. She says that Eric said that he didn't get it. ED says that he wants Janie's phone number.

ED starts talking about taking the 150 grand and splitting it between them and saying "f" the jury.
Brief trivia.
Z knocks on the door. Dani tells him that she's trying to decide whether or not to use the veto. Z says that he doesn't have a vote.

Zach, Dick, Daniele in the WR coming in mid conversation
Dick saying - Eric and Jameka will team up if that happens
Zach- I don't think so
Dick- yes they will
Zach- she ( Jameka ) can't compete in HOH
Dick- but that's a vote
Zach- but if you have 2 people vs 1 in HOH - you and Daniele - fighting to get her ( jameka ) out - it's really I mean the odds are in our favor
Dick- the "odds" yeah are in our favor but the odds were not in my favor of Jen getting F***ing HOH week 2 he laughs
Zach-but it's not like that though
Dick - what do you mean it was F***ing
Zach- but there are only 3 people competing for HOH that's huge
Dick- I know but it's questions and Eric is good at questions
Zach- but if it's 4 people you are F***ing your own self - I'm just saying I am starting to think that possibly keeping Jameka here one more week -is the smart thing to do - better way -
Daniele comes in
Zach tells her that she was just talking to her dad about the same thought that he told her
Daniele- about Jess?
Zach- yeah he goes on to say - it's up to you
Daniele- says there is plenty of time to talk about it- especially if they are not doing anything tomorrow ( today ) she hopes they are doing something

They talk about how there's been no America's Choice this season

Jess and Jam in the BBR. Jam says that ED is the pimp and Zach is the prostitute. It's pathetic. She comes from a family where love is recognized, and Z is clueless. She hopes he...(whispers)...Jess agreeing. Quiet...
Jam: If E's not in that bed (Amber/Dustin's) tomorrow, I'm going to lay in it.
Jam: I can't believe he said he took this as a JOB. (E?) Ah, this competition.
Jess: mmmm hmmm....
Jess. Hmm.

4:03 AM BBT
Jam & Jess in BBR mid convo "He" says he can't make a right move in this game. (who?) Ah, Eric.
Jam: Eric offered her something from his glass? (A drink?)
Jam: Eric or Amber told me... and E interrupts, saying BB is calling all of them for DRs tonight, and we get TRIVIA.

Back to other group...
Zach- it's very exciting
Daniele laughs - Dick asks her what that's about
Daniele says she was thinking to herself when he said "safety" and she ( Janelle ) was like what's that - and then said- the only code I know is 153 and I was like oh no! oh dear
Zach- did she know what it meant
Daniele- she said it was the only code she knows- and when she hugged me when she was saying goodbye she was like 153 - that's so cute
Zach- and
Dick -you were like how long have you been here and she was like 3 days and you were like what have you been doing and she was like- couldn't say
Daniele -well that is when you like say- if you were a really go-getter- say well I need a date for the wrap party
Dick laughs says well I grabbed her hand and said engagement ring? I said you're engaged and she goes no - and go oh good there's still hope - and then she like talked about her boyfriend -

They laugh about some part of the POV - how she ( Daniele ) morphed into Nick
Daniele- I knew that Jameka wouldn't do good at that
Dick - I was thinking the exact same thing
Daniele- I knew it
Daniele- macaroni and cheese sounds good- but it's 4 ( am ) says she isn't even hungry - just bored and doesn't want to make it anyways - it involves work - doesn't want to move- doesn't want to go to the SR
Dick- I'll get it for you
Daniele -no please don't - ( said nicely )
Daniele- could you please tell me the mood of the house right now- INTERESTING -
Dick laughs we get ~~Trivia ~~ back

Dick- that is gonna be really funny on TV -
Daniele has a big scratch on her neck- says look at it ...what did I do Dick and
Zach - it's a scratch -
Daniele- like who was scratching me- someone was attacking me- she laughs says Mac and Cheese it is
Daniele yells to Eric asking if he'll eat some - Eric comes out- complains about how bad his back, feet, etc feel

4:07 AM BBT
BBR Jam climbing into Dustin/Amber's bed and pulling the covers high. Jess is gone. (Jameka still has her tennnies on! ) We can hear the other HGs from the Kitchen, and TRIVIA briefly.

Back to Jam in bed, no sign of Jessica. Eric comes in to talk to Jameka.
E: You OK?
Jam: WhatEVER. I'm so humiliated, Eric
E: I've done back to back now. (POV's) It's SO F***ing hard!
E: I don't feel like I choked, I just couldn't do any better. I didn't know the answers. 2 back to back in a row (redundant!) It's not easy. I need the next comp to be Eric, it's trivia questions about YOUR life. And I'd still psych myself out! They joke about it...

4:15 AM BBT
E & Jam in BBR E's game was totally thrown off. 3 of last 4 he has been at the bottom, he feels shaken up by that. He and Jam both want to be competitors. E says if by some stroke of lightening he makes it to F4 he'll get killed in HOH. E is asking about Jess now, Jam says Jess doesn't blame him for her HOH or anything. BB tells Jam to not obstruct her mic Jam says it's more difficult than anyone could have imagined.
Jam: Call me next, call me next, please, please, please call me next. (Jess came out of DR) BB calls Jam to DR.

4:19 AM BBR
E & Jess J: What are you thinking?
E says he feels bad about his performance, he did better in the earlier part of the season. He's appalled, ashamed and disgusted with himself. If I had 500,000 on the line I'd stand on the F***ing volcano until I died (prev. season) but now I'd probably faint after 15 mins. I don't know what the F*** is wrong with me. I can't solve puzzles, I can't see pix that have you and me in them, what in the hell am I doing? I know I'm being annoying, I'm going to stop harping on this, you understand from a competitive level how frustrated I am with myself, I feel like there's nothing I can do... etc., etc.
E: I'm a make things better type of person, and i cant pull my head out of m y ass for 2 seconds, can't accomplish anything. I'm frustrated. I have to clear my head.
E: I was going to say you might be in the market for a new partner (laugh) but ...
J is tired of being here, tired of being in the house but doesn't want to go to jury either... (whispering, cant get much...)
E: For every perfect moment there are 5 that undo it. We handle ourselves well, but have made some bad decisions. (whispering)
E It will all come full circle again.
J: Hopefully (whispering...)

Daniele talks about how cool it is that Janelle was there- says she knows what it's like ( to be in the house )
Dick- yeah she's been there twice - so close best competitor in the house - and never won
Daniele- yeah but I told you like she won that $10,000 like how America picks who deserved to win
Dick- was that the prom night thing
Daniele - explains it how it was America's Choice on who deserved it
Dick- yeah she deserved that- he goes on to say that she is very likeable- very pretty and a bad ass in the comps- she whipped ass ( her seasons ) says she got 7 -was that the 2 seasons- it had to be
Daniele- no that was just All-Stars - she got 7 POV's and 3 HOH's -
Dick- really ?
Daniele- mm hmm
Dick - holy crap - omg
Daniele- I'm 3 behind and 1 behind and there's still time

4:26 AM BBT
BBR E & Jess E can't get to Kansas fast enough. (whispering) She's kicking ass, he's so proud of her,

D&D, Z, E&J have been in far bleaker situations.
D&D want Jam out, they (D&D) could have gotten E&J out. (whispering)

4:30 AM BBT
Dani came in and offered E some food, Jess declining.
E looking forward to the pad. The heating pad, not the maxi pad. Rolling Eyes (E is whispering so hard he's sucking air in!) J: I will NOT throw it. (whispering...can't make it all out!)
E: best case Jam out.
They get up and go into the kitchen.
Jess: America hates you. I love Canada.

All in the kitchen, talking about Janelle's hosting HOH. Just chatting. We cut to Zach, alone in his HOH room. Getting ready for bed.

4:35 AM BBT
More talk of the POV Comp....Eric was there before saying he thought 3 was good ( I think ) Dick got 6 Daniele said she got the first 2 faces ( together ) wrong - says she thought she did badly but then again knew that she got through all 14 of them
Daniele- I like today !
Dick - I like today too !
Dick and Daniele say they really wanted to talk to Janelle but couldn't because she couldn't answer any questions- that she did say that she had been watching and that Daniele wanted to say - what do you think ?
Back to Mac and Cheese talk - Daniele prefers the child's mac and cheese with the characters- says it's fake cheese -but it's good
Dick finishing up his roast beef sandwich - says it's the best roast beef they've had
Daniele eating her Mac and Cheese. She told Eric it was ready but he hasn't come out yet
Zach waiting says he'll eat that he doesn't
Daniele- says just eat some Zach
Zach-ok I bet that was a treat for Janelle to get to see everybody since she watches
Daniele- not everybody
Zach laughs

They say that Eric was probably 15th on her list of likeable people
Eric says why would she ( like him) says he called her fat and Miss Piggy in the 30 seconds before the competition - why should she like me
Jess- you need to think more
Eric- why would I think she would be standing there
Jess- because their freaking pictures were there and there was a walk way
Eric- oh yeah like you thought she was there
Jess- I did !!
Eric- oh shut up !!!!
Jess- it was so obvious
Eric- you are so full of s**t - I don't believe you for a millisecond
Jess says she could smell her perfume from a mile away
Daniele - yeah I told her that
Zach - so did I
Eric- what in the hell does good cheerleader mean ? have you been secretly cheering on this show that I don't know about in the DR do you do cheers or something? Because that didn't mean much to me -
Jess- I am good that's why she said it
Eric says he went on a rant about how much better looking he thought that Daniele and Jessica were than her and how they had 2 blondes in the house -

Jess- what do I want to snack on.
Eric- says it's a sad day when you can't even get the one right with yourself in it -
Jessica- what about this I got the first 4 right and the next 3 wrong
Eric- I got Jameka/ Daniele - Carol/Kail and then Dustin/Amber
Daniele- I know I missed the first one
Dick - my favorite part was that they blended me and Jessica together
Jess laughs says yeah
Eric- actually you guys looked the best among the pairing- some of them looked sick
Daniele-some of them were scary - Amber/Dustin was hideous
Dick - OMG
Jessica - they looked BAD
Dick talks about how large Amber's forehead is
Jessica- it does
Dick- she has a horse face-
Jessica- she would be like the make-up model because her face is so big
Eric laughs says is that like a back-handed compliment
Eric said - that Janelle's pic was a combo of her and Miss Piggy and that he also said that they must have gotten her picture before her weight gain
Daniele- that was horrible
Eric- and less than 5 seconds later - there she is - insert foot in mouth
Jess-she was probably like that little s**t head

Dick hanging out with Eric and Jessica on her bed- just chit chat about how they sit in the DR when they are in there. Jessica jumps off the bed -and pokes Eric on the butt
Eric -was that a finger
Dick- in you butt
Eric- yeeahhh He says and it might even of been in the hole not in the crack
Jessica laughing
Dick- and you don't know? I think that I would know-you would know Jameka?
Jameka- I would think so
Eric- I think it was a little high - I think it was the crack but nevertheless it was still surprising -
Jameka- unless it was stretched out from umm previous- umm en ( entry she didn't say it ) from ummm you know -says interaction
Dick -what's going on over here?
They laugh at how Jessica is just changing her clothes right there Eric talking about how he was not even making any bones about it - just watching not even doing just a quick glance over- Dick- I wish I had a dollar

Eric talks again about how he called Janelle Miss Piggy and fat and how he didn't know she was standing there - Jessica- she ( Janelle ) did say that Dick was good looking
Dick-she said I was hot
Eric- and she said you were a gentleman - something is a bit askew
Dick- hey hey hey - don't be a hater
Dick says that Zach said- something about how all the sudden with a pretty girl to flirt with Dick was tolerable
They laugh Dick says it was the first girl that he has had to flirt with says he works in a bar he flirts with girls all the time

There are ants on Jessica's bed - Jessica- they are everywhere
Dick - I told you guys that eating in the bedroom was not a good idea - don't you ever listen to your mom when she told you that.

Eric says that Jessica's picture really doesn't look like her in the house -
Jessica-are you saying I'm getting fat like Janelle
Eric- did you just call Janelle fat
Jess- that's not what I meant and you know it - says she likes Janelle but Holly was her favorite

Jameka says that she thought Holly was a waste of oxygen then apologizes to Jessica for dissing her favorite HG

They chat on laughing about Eric falling down 2 days in a row- Now talking about the DR - how BB calls them in there when they look bad- just waking up etc we get Trivia then back
Jameka- sings I don't want to go to Mexico no more more more Trivia back with Jameka and Eric saying - how he ( BB voice ) said KNOCK IT OFF

Jameka- is there nothing I am good at in this house Jameka says that she doesn't really consider her Veto win ( the one where she saved Jen) a win

More talk about Janelle
Jess- that's crazy that you'd seen her before
Jameka- and Ivette -that was the same season- says she had no idea she was gay -
Jameka- never even kissed a girl on a dare
Jess- me either
Eric- not on a dare ? not ever
Jess- no- do I look like I would kiss a girl

They talk about how Eric/Zach/Dick were kissing on the cheeks during the quarters game the other night

5:21 AM BBT
Jameka says she had a flashback about being a kid and waking up on a Sat. morning around 6 o'clock and eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons -
Jessica- I never wake up on Saturday's because I'm usually drunk
Jam- how can you be drunk and you have to get home
Jessica says that she usually stays at a friends house -
Jam-well that's good then-every time?
Jessica- pretty much yeah

Eric asks Jameka what she would do if he kissed her on the lips, jokingly says he's in the market for a new woman. He wants to know if Jameka can help him out." (some stuff I didn't catch here) Eric hides under his covers- she calls him a baby - lots of giggles and such - ( almost too sweet to stand after no sleep ) Jameka says she is going to bed Jess- you've had a hard day Jam- You ain't lyin' sister Dick comes in - asks if they want the light off- they say yes- then he tells them the lockdown is over Jam- wouldn't happen to be an extra veto out there would there? Jessica- laughs says one just lying around

5:39 AM BBT
Eric standing by Jessica's bed Jessica ( in her whiniest voice to date) says Eric, I just wanna go to sleep
Eric- well then you'll just have to be nice to me- he gets close to her face
Jessica- Errriiccc
Eric -what ?
Jessica - I hate you
Eric- what ?? wow not nice at all
Jessica- you just blew in my face ( again in the whiney voice )
Jameka- Eric
E- yes
Jameka- Dr C ( Jameka ) will be starting a new class soon on how to woo a woman because you NEED it
Jess laughs says you need it! because you SUCK
Jameka- it's not polite to blow in a ladies ear and make her deaf
Jess- you pull your short up really high
Eric- where would you like them on my penis He goes on and on about where does she want them - where his ass and pubic hair stick out
Jameka groans
Eric - this is where my ass starts
Jess- pull them down a bit
Eric- this doesn't feel right
Jess-but it looks right

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