5:10AM BBT
Dick says they (BB) "did get quite the cast of characters for this summer"
Amber was rating the top 5 guys and girls- put herself as second. Dick says Amber was the ugliest in the house- even above Jen- and that saying something because (to him) Jen was REALLY ugly.
Joking about a new car being a prize at finale for AC. Dani says it better be her, America. Both saying Amber will be AC and win (in a joking way).
D/D went inside to kitchen counter. Dick says he is about ready for bed, Dani isn't. Dani wondering what family member as a guest at the wrap party is going to be really bitter at the party. Dick says NOBODY is gonna be happy with him.
Talking about putting Dani's grandmother on a makeover show, and how unfashionable she dresses. Dick says she doesn't care, that's not what's important to her. Short FotH...talk continues about grandmother's dancing- and how it was so funny, Dick had it on his phone for a while. She likes to line dance too.
Bashing the various HGs about this and that in a kidding way.
5:30AM BBT
Talking about how Janelle has a big 'hate' base. Dick says "Really? I thought people loved her" Dani says that's true, but there are a lot of haters too.
Saying that Jameka was the only one that called Dick 'ED'. Dani says Zach did, too- after he started hanging out with Jameka.
Talking about what super power they wanted. Dani wanted a superpower to win BB8. Most would want to fly. Zach would want Xray vision to see thru soiled panties.
Dick says he is going to bed. Gives Dani a kiss on the head and tells her to try and get some sleep. Dick to his bedroom and starts undressing. Dick tosses sheet over his body to change into his sleep shorts.
Dani is in the restroom. After a few minutes she comes out in a pair of shorts and tank top, washes hands, uses some lotion, grabs her bed covers and goes to bed. Dani says once you are in bed, you have to stay in bed. No getting up.
Dick says he is gonna do another load of laundry if she needs anything washed. Dani says she needs to do a load too. They are both saying "One last time", referring to the last time they will wash clothes in the BB house.
Dick goes to restroom, washes hands and heads to bedroom. They say goodnight to one another. Dick says he isn't very tired but 'they' are making him go to bed. He says he is kind of tired, and tells them (BB) he wishes they would 'close that f*cking curtain- I can always see that exit sign and it p*sses me off." They must have closed the curtain because Dick says "Thank you- that was very nice".
Both HGs now in bed, lights out, trying to sleep
6:10AM BBT
Dani in bed, ED outside smoking quietly.
6:15AM BBT
Dani has heartburn so she's back in the kitchen with her dad. And she's foraging for food.
6:20AM BBT
The smack-talk continues, focused on weird habits of the HGs....
6:40AM BBT
Dick is cooking breakfast while he and Dani discuss Amber and her crying. Also talking about BB making them go to bed then FOTH.
6:45AM BBT
Both sitting at the counter eating, talking about Amberisms...Dani telling Dick about a dream she had about him saying there was a huge banner..Dick said maybe it was a vision. Now on to Jen, talking about her swimming and her comment about them not being human.
10 am BBT
They've been in bed for awhile now.
Dani re-created Dick's bunnies out of boredom last night... and since BB yelled at her to stop painting stick men on the floor, etc LOL
12:15PM BBT
Dani is up and in her swim suit. Grabs a towel out of the laundry area and is laying out (all 4 feeds on Dani- Dick MIA)
12:45PM BBT
Dani still tanning, Dick still MIA
3:40 pm BBT
Dani does a color touchup on Dick.
Talk about various comps. Talk turns to how Eric was an over exaggerator. How he whined he hurt his back on the fishbowl comp but was fine the next day. They weren't happy he took the extra cups either. He got the phone call and was so far behind that he could have saved the house 2 days of cold water.
Dick says he hates the hair dryer part of doing his hair. Talk continues about various hairdressers.
5:30PM BBT
Dani in bed
Dick in bed
6:50PM BBT
Outdoor lockdown!!
Dick realizes it's 7 PM and that Vincent should be home. Does a quick shout out to him to include:
I'll see you tomorrow ... bring my MAC and my phone charger if ya can find it...
Dani - bring some gum I dont have any money
Dick - and my cheetah jacket...I brought like $110 I'll buy ya some gum. Dont forget my charger for my Mac
Dani - and make sure your grandmother doesnt wear her sandals with socks. I think she'll wear a pant suit thing she stopped wearing dresses a long time ago..."if noone else is gonna wear em then why should I"
Dani decides that all 12 HGs should be there by now
Dick says they may be, or on their way
Dick is on the couch in the BY smoking, Dani is sitting at the kitchen counter playing with something and looking bored (they may be dice)
8:30PM BBT
Dick and Dani are talking about Amber - her detailed sex stories, how she thinks she's a hottie.
Dani is in the storage room thanking BB for the food they brought in. They set up dinner and start eating.
Dick and Dani are in the backyard talking about evictions and HGs. They are making fun of Jen saying that she's the best competitor and laughing about her 9 gallons in the tea cup win. They wish that they had seen Dustin's true colors sooner. Dick says that Eric and Vincent will be fighting over Jessica - Daniele says I don't think so.
10:30PM BBT
Dick says that he came home one day and Vincent said Hi Dad Hi Dad and then out of the blue Daniele repeated him and said Hi Dad. He says she's never stopped talking since.
Dick and Dani talking about when they will get paid - at the wrap party is the decision.
11:45PM BBT
Dani and Dick are talking and BB says you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HG.. Dani says..I'm not (talking about my DR sessions) I'm torturing him (Dick) and BB says thank you. Dani says I'll torture him all night and BB says thank you again.
12:20AM BBT
2:20AM BBT
Feeds Back - Movies again?
2:40AM BBT
Dick and Dani talking in the bathroom. Dick thinks the crazy religious peopel will be after him. Speculating on whether Carrol will show up for the finale, they think her dad will make her. Leaving will be weird and seeing everyone. 5 will have seen everything, and 9 in the dark.
Dick will see his "mama, the bitch". Dani thinks grandma will wear Birkenstocks and socks. Vincent will be so happy for the two of them. Then Dani says he will say, "should have been me."
Dani can't beleive that it is really over. Dick scratching. Dani playing with her hair. Dani thinks, Nick is going to make so much fun of Dick about missing so many Nick questions. Dick has to poop but there is no TP. Going to storage room.
Talking about all the HGs again - using one word to describe each, funniest moments of each, stupidest thing each HG did.
Dani tweezing her eyebrows
5:15AM BBT
Dick and Dani making up slogans for each HG. Then they make up nicknames for each HG.
5:30AM BBT
Dick and Dani talking about HG mannerisms.
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